Kathryn P.
University of Southern California,
BA in Public Relations
New York University,
Master of Social Work (in progress)
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-time Nanny / Babysitter
Chestnut Ridge, NY, 11/18 - 03/19
1-year-old boy
Babysitter (various one-time and repeat jobs)
San Francisco, CA, 08/18 - 10/18
ages 6 months to 8 years
Other Experience
Kindergarten Teacher
Brooklyn, NY, 03/19 - 06/20
Founding K Teacher; Regional Planner; Grade Lead
Redwood City, CA, 07/15 - 07/18
Founding Kindergarten Teacher
Camden, NJ, 07/14 - 07/15
Preschool Teacher
Allentown, NJ, 04/13 - 07/14
About me
I am from Brooklyn and grew up in central New Jersey with my parents and three siblings. Since first grade, I’ve loved music and played multiple instruments including the violin, flute and piano, but the harp was my main focus. I also spent most of my free time as a kid and teenager participating in plays at school and doing acting workshops over the summers. I intended to study harp performance in college, but made a change and ended up getting my BA in Public Relations from USC in Los Angeles.
After working in PR for a few years in LA and Manhattan, I decided I needed a big career switch because I was not feeling very connected to the work I was doing. I talked to a lot of people I know and observed in many schools and decided to get my teaching license in New Jersey. I taught preschool for about a year and half while getting my credential, and have been teaching kindergarten for the last six years in Camden, NJ, Redwood City, CA and Brooklyn, NY. The schools I’ve worked with have focused on restorative practice behavior systems and explicitly taught social and emotional learning in order to build positive relationships and co-create techniques specific to individual children for managing stress and frustration, and productively set personal and academic growth goals. In between teaching, I’ve also worked with individual families to provide childcare for infants to 8 year olds, sometimes on a one-time basis and sometimes for repeat support at home. This has included everything from changing diapers and bathing, to food preparation, to cleaning up around the house after play times.
I love exploring and learning with kids, and my teaching experience has been focused on combining social and emotional wellness with project-based, exploratory learning. I continue to play music in my free time (I started learning the acoustic guitar recently), and am passionate about fostering creativity through music and art with young children. I also love being outdoors and led a nature club at school for a few years, so I'm always looking for opportunities for kids to be scientists and learn from the world around them.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Working as a mental health counselor in elementary schools after completing my MSW. I would also like to be advocating for education reforms that prioritize mental and emotional health in schools, as well as project-based and exploratory learning curriculums.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love any opportunity for kids to explore their innate curiosity and creativity, so art projects with found materials in nature or at home, as well as nature walks and time outdoors are some of my favorite ways to spend time with children. Reading is my favorite thing to teach and experience with kids at school, and working with the youngest readers has opened my eyes to the different modalities and hands-on activities kids can participate in to support literacy progress. I love telling and acting out stories together, reading stories, and doing literacy activities like using sand or physical manipulatives to make letters and words.