Laura L.
Hicksville High School,
Professional Childcare Experience
Part- Time Babysitter
Hicksville, NY, 07/16 - 02/18
1 boy and 1 girl, ages 6 months and 3
After-School Babysitter
Hicksville, NY, 03/17 - 06/17
2 boys 1 girl, ages 9 and 11
After-School Babysitter
Hicksville, NY, 09/13 - 06/16
1 boy, age 8
Before/After-School Babysitter
Syosset, NY, 12/17 - 12/-1
2 girls, ages 6 and 8
Other Experience
Bloomsburg University Admissions Student Worker
Bloomsburg, PA, 08/17 - Present
Special Education Secretary
Hicksville, NY, 12/19 - 01/20
Teacher's Assistant
Mill Neck, NY, 06/17 - 08/19
About me
I grew up in Hicksville, New York but I always say I'm from Long Island. I am the youngest of 3 children. I have an older sister (24) and brother (23). As I child I mainly enjoyed being a pretend teacher, playing make believe with my younger cousin, and playing with baby-dolls. I graduated in 2017 from Hicksville High School and I just finished my third year in college as a Deaf Education/ ECE major. I am pursing to be a teacher of the Deaf/HH. This all ties into my work as a babysitter, and child-related professional because I have had a passion to teach and be around/take care of kids since I was young. I loved playing with baby-dolls as a little girl, then grew into watching kids. Now I am 21 years old, loving what I do at school and with families.
I started with my first family when he was 8 years old, and now he is turning 16. I did homework with him, made dinner, took him to guitar lessons and baseball games. After my first sitting job it moved onto watching his brothers children. They had two children who when I started watching was first 1 1/2 and 6 months. I would change dippers, feed, play with, and put the kids to bed. I also would watch every day my senior year of high school three kids who I picked up after school. I then started doing before school sitting when I went into college. Here was a 4 and 6 year old who I woke up at 7 am, got dressed, fed breakfast, and got one onto the bus and one to day care. So, I have worked and sat for children ranging from 6 months- 13 years old. I changed dippers, fed bottles, did homework, played with, and put to bed children from all ages.
There are many things I love to do, sign language being one of them. That is my biggest passion, and something I try to educate parents on and do with children. Deaf education is one of the things that motivates me to pursue child related work. I love watching and being with kids, and how they can learn best. My philosophy is I believe that each child is an individual and as an educator I will value and develop each child's strengths, interests, skills, abilities and knowledge to extend their learning and I believe that children learn through play.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A teacher of the Deaf with my Masters working at Mill Neck School for the Deaf.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
American Sign Language. Kids find it so fascinating, and something children with special needs rely on. I also love teaching math, that is my strongest subject and I like to have a lot of fun with that. I also like the teach children values, and the good they should be doing.