Veronica C.
College: Guilford College,
B.A in Psychology and Visual Arts
Graduate School: Pratt Institute,
M.P.S. in Art Therapy and Creativity Development
Professional Childcare Experience
Nanny part time.
Brooklyn, US, 04/21 - Present
Toddler age 2
Full time Nanny
Queens, NY, 05/20 - 08/20
twin boys ages 3
After-School Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 01/18 - 04/20
Girl age 5
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 12/19 - 04/20
Infant: 9 month
Part-Time Babysitter
Manhattan, NY, 01/20 - 04/20
Boy age 2, girl age 3
After-School Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 11/19 - 01/20
Two girls ages 7 and 10
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 03/20 - 12/19
Infant , 5 months
Camp Counselor
Los Angeles, California, 05/17 - 08/17
7 to 15
Other Experience
High School , Art Therapist
Brooklyn, US, 09/21 - Present
Art Therapist , Pediatric Hospital
Long Island, NY, 06/20 - 09/21
Art Therapist
Brooklyn, NY, 08/18 - 04/20
Sales Associate
Brooklyn, NY, 01/18 - 05/19
Portland, OR, 08/17 - 06/18
Summer Camp Counselor
Los Angeles, CA, 05/17 - 08/17
Garden Teacher
Greensboro, NC, 08/15 - 05/17
Summer Camp Counselor
Smith Mounth Lake, VA, 05/14 - 08/16
About me
I grew up in the ABC Islands, where my family is from. I have taken care of my younger siblings since they were born up until 12 years old, and have continued to care for other families since then. I am currently in graduate school at Pratt Institute completing a MPS in Art Therapy & Creativity Development. In the past two years, I have been a full-time nanny while I held an Art Therapist intern position working with children with different psychological diagnosis. During this time I also worked with neurodiverse children as an Art Specialist. As a nanny, I have worked for multiple families with children of different age groups and held the following titles: art therapist, part-time babysitter, date night sitter, art teacher and camp counselor.
I have experience working with infants. They love it when I sing to them! My duties often included following a specific schedule, feeding (prepping bottle), playtime and bedtime routine. I have worked with children ages 1-7 as well. They enjoy playing with their favorite toys! My responsibilities included: playtime, prepping snacks, screen monitoring and sometimes cooking. Lastly, I have also worked with children ages 7 and up, I found that they like me to follow their lead. My responsibilities were similar to the other age groups including picking up from school via train or cab. Additionally, my educational background has gifted me with the ability to spontaneously come up with creative prompts, such as turning children’s favorite books into musicals, which always opens up lots of room for creativity ! I also have a CPR certification and have experience with babysitting sick children and monitoring symptoms.
Parents love it that I understand children's development on a professional level and can speak different languages that include Spanish, Papiamento and some Dutch. What excites me about being a caretaker is constantly having the opportunity to learn more from children's creativity and continue to foster their self-expression while ensuring their safety and wellbeing at all times! Additionally, working with different kinds of children allows me to have the versatility and empathetic ear for all the children I come across.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A full time Art Therapist and an independent Artist !
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Arts and Crafts ! I specialize in this !