Caitlin M.
Hamilton College,
B.A. in Theatre
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School Babysitter
New York, NY, 01/20 - 02/20
Boy, girl, 8, 6
Date Night Sitter
New York, NY, 02/20 - 02/20
Girl, 2
After-School Babysitter
New York, NY, 01/19 - 12/19
Girl, boy, 8, 5
Other Experience
Producer at The Art Garage
New York, NY, 01/19 - 02/20
Administrative Assistant
Clinton, NY, 01/17 - 05/18
Teaching Assistant- Hamilton College
Clinton, NY, 01/18 - 05/18
Afterschool Volunteer Acting/Writing Instructor
Clinton, NY, 01/18 - 05/18
About me
I grew up in Hartford, Connecticut. A lifelong performer and storyteller, you could often find me wrangling my two younger sisters into partaking in skits and little musicals I made up throughout my childhood. I received a B.A. from Hamilton College in Theatre, with minors in Literature and Russian Studies. While completing my degree, I spent a semester abroad training as an actor at the Moscow Art Theatre in Russia. After college, I moved to NYC to pursue my dream of working as a theatre artist. Since graduation, I have worked as an actor, director and producer in the city and around the Northeast.
When I first moved to the city, I worked for a year as a daily afterschool sitter for a 4-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl. I picked them up from school each day and accompanied them to a weekly swim class and to their other activities. Sometimes we’d go to the park or the library. Once home, I helped the 4-year-old do half an hour of a learning activity from a workbook. I assisted with nightly showers, and prepared dinner for the two of them. Occasionally, I’d stay late for date nights and put the kids to bed, usually not until I told a funny story or two and we read through several jokes in a joke book. Over the past year, I have often served as a date night babysitter for a toddler who is now 2-years old. We have also spent a few mornings together. On these mornings, we have played with her toys, I fed her lunch and we took trips in the stroller to a local play area for toddlers. I currently work a few days a week as an afterschool sitter for a 6-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy. I pick them up from school or the bus. Most days we have a bit of free time to play in the park, read a book aloud or play a board game. The 8-year-old is already well-versed in Harry Potter trivia. After that, I prepare dinner and often assist the 6-year-old with her reading homework.
I love working with children because I love their imaginations. My career as a performer and writer is all about imagination, and children tend to have better imaginations than most adults I know. I love hearing their stories. One of my favorite activities to do with the children I care for is an interactive story. I’ll ask them where the story takes place and who the main character is, and then I’ll begin telling it. I’ll leave some blanks for them to fill in and then at some point pass the baton entirely. I always learn so much and I’m grateful for it.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Five years further along in my acting career and a published author.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Reading aloud, interactive storytelling (someone starts and someone else has to jump in or fill in a blank or two), arts and crafts, and board games.