Gena C.
University of California, Irvine,
B.A. in Criminology, Law, & Society
Professional Childcare Experience
New York, NY, 08/19 - Present
Boys, girl, 3, 8, 16
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 11/19 - Present
Boys, 7 months, 4
Professional Babysitting
Newport Beach, CA, 10/17 - 08/19
2 months - 16 years old
San Diego, CA, 06/14 - 08/17
Girl, boy, 8 months, 3
Professional Babysitting
San Diego, CA, 09/14 - 10/16
Boys, 3, 6
Other Experience
Child Care Provider/Tutor
Newport Beach, CA, 10/17 - 08/19
About me
I grew up in Southern California alongside my two sisters and six brothers. As a child I was always really competitive when it came to sports and I loved perfecting my classwork. I graduated in June 2019 with my Bachelors in Criminology, Law, & Society from the University of California, Irvine. As of August 2019 I made this big move to a new state to expose myself to the NYC legal community and city environment. While being here, I have integrated myself into several volunteering events consisting of at-risk youth and children living in New York City shelters. I have always admired helping populations in need and plan to continue doing so as I purse my Juris Doctor degree.
I have been working with children ever since I was a child, caring for my younger siblings. Professionally speaking though, I have been nannying for five years now. I started with my first nanny family when their daughter was 8 months and their son was 3- years old. Over the three years I was with them I would change diapers, drop them off and pick them up from school, drive them to activities such as soccer or gymnastics class, prepare dinners, read with them, sing and dance with them, and put them down for bed. While being their nanny I would also be a date night sitter and occasional sitter to some of their local friends. I sadly had to end with this beautiful family since I was moving up north to continue my education at a university. During my remaining years at school I worked with a babysitting agency where I got placed with several different families with children of various ages between 2 months and 16-years old. During this time I engaged myself into getting CPR Certified since this was a serious commitment. Some of these families had twins, three children, a child with special needs, and even an infant plus a toddler. My tasks would vary greatly depending on whether the child was an infant, toddler, etc. My next nanny commitment was with a family that would come to California for the summers. I started with them when their boys were 2 and 6 and their girl was 14. During our days we would go to the beach, swim, go bowling, to parks, libraries, and museums. They were such a big ball of joy that loved everything outdoors. The 6 year old (who is now 8) is really into animal facts which was super interesting to hear.
I have always admired caring for children and volunteering with children in need. Not only are children precious and I get to help and watch them grow in positive ways, but I have learned so much from every single child that I have crossed paths with. I'm supposed to be making an impact on them, when in reality, they are making an impact on me too. Through all of my volunteering experiences, law classes, and working with youth, I realized that I could do more with a law degree. I believe that my passion for government, dedication to child welfare, and natural intellectual curiosity has guided me into being the best caretaker I could be.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Practicing as a family law attorney.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach children how to do some arts and crafts, how to play checkers and card games, and how to do a cart wheel!