Megan E.
Ball State University,
Ivy Tech,
Some College Ball State University and Ivy Tech,
Professional Childcare Experience
New York City, New York, 01/18 - Present
Boys, ages 5 and 8
New York City, New York, 07/13 - Present
Girls, 6, 8, 10
weekend nanny
New York City, New York, 08/11 - 05/14
Boys, 6, 11
After-school babysitter
New York City, New York, 09/11 - 06/13
6, 8, 10
Part-time Nanny
New York City, New York, 06/12 - 06/13
Girl, 6 months
Youth Counselor
Indianapolis, Indiana, 06/06 - 06/11
7-10 boys, 6-21
Other Experience
Yoga Teacher
New York City, New York, 01/18 - Present
Yoga Teacher
Manhattan Beach, California, 04/19 - Present
New York City, New York, 01/18 - Present
New York City, New York, 07/13 - Present
Weekend nanny
New York City, New York, 08/11 - 05/14
Part time nanny
New York City, New York, 06/12 - 06/13
About me
I have been a child care professional for over 15 years. During this time I have gained experience working with children of all ages (newborn through 21 years) and needs in various settings. I began babysitting at a very young age. Through middle school I would babysit for most neighborhood and parish families. In high school, I began spending my summers working in a daycare, while continuing to babysit through the school year. These children were anywhere from infants to 10 years old. My main responsibilities were to entertain the children, at home, while the parents were out. Reading books, playing games, and going outside were some favorite activities.
After college I became a youth counselor at a placement center for children with special needs. This was a live-in facility for the children. Here I would have anywhere from 7-10 children aged 6-21 in my care at all times. I would monitor behavior on the unit as well as in the classroom and cafeteria. I would escort children to and from locations on and off sight. In the classroom I would assist the teacher and help with school work. Outside of school I would engage in and see out planned activities.
Once I moved to NYC I became a nanny. Starting out part-time for multiple families. I began as a weekend nanny for a family with two boys. I would stay overnight through the weekend. Working mainly with the younger child, making sure he was entertained during the day, fed and bathed at night and put to bed on time. During the week I would spend my mornings watching a 6 month old girl, making sure her sleep and feed schedule were maintained, taking her for walks in the stroller and reading books and playing with her during tummy time. In the afternoon I worked for a family of three children. I would pick up the oldest boy and girl from school and take them to their various after school activities. I then became a full-time nanny for a family of three girls, starting right before the youngest was born. For this family, I took on the role of not only nanny, but also household and family manager. I make sure daily chores are complete and the house is always tidy. I manage, organize and communicate calendars appointments, including doctors, dentist, school functions, activities, vacations, and play dates. I plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks. I am able to navigate big cities using public transportation and driving to get the children to various activities. When there is no school, I am responsible for entertaining the children by planning and seeing out excursions.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
I hope to be a full time yoga teacher with a thriving business and time for travel.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love sharing my yoga practice with children, whether it be practicing with them one on one, offering classes for children or sharing my meditation practice with them at bedtime or during difficult situations.