Chloe H.
Northwestern University,
B.S. in the School of Communication Major: TheatreMinor: Psychology
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time BabySitter
New York, NY, 12/19 - Present
One Girl, Age 1 year 10 months
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 10/19 - Present
one boy and two girls, age 5, 8, and 11
Part Time Babysitter
Evanston, IL, IL, 02/18 - 06/19
Girl, age 9
Part Time Babysitter
Chicago, IL, 03/19 - 06/19
Girl and boy, ages 12 months and 4 years
Part-Time Babysitter
Wilmette, IL, 03/18 - 06/19
one girl and three boys, ages 3, 4, 7, and 10
Assistant Director- Hillbarn Youth Theatre Camp
Foster City, CA, CA, 06/16 - 09/16
Ages 6-9
Part Time Babysitter
Sunnyvale, CA, CA, 01/12 - 06/15
Boy, age 8
Other Experience
Professional Actor
New York, NY, 09/19 - Present
Server for Hillstone Restaurant Group
New York, NY, 07/19 - 11/19
Intern at Shirley Hamilton Talent
Chicago, IL, 07/17 - 11/17
Hostess at Cupitol Eatery
Evanston, IL, 07/17 - 08/17
Tutor and Assistant Teacher - Boys and Girls Club
Menlo Park, CA, CA, 01/12 - 06/15
Program Developer and Teacher - Boys & Girls Club
Menlo Park, CA, 01/12 - 06/15
About me
I grew up in Los Altos, California, as the youngest of 3 kids. I come from a family of athletes and while I played sports myself, I was always interested in creative play, dancing, and performing, so once I found Theatre in middle school, I stuck with it! I went to Northwestern University to pursue this love of Theatre in an environment that also allowed me to study Psychology. Since graduating, I have understudied for a musical, worked as a server in a restaurant, and continued caring for children.
While in high school, I became very involved with the Boys and Girls Club as a program developer and instructor, tutor, and assistant teacher. With my 2nd graders, duties included monitoring recess and leading games, finding different methods to keep focus in the classroom, providing one-on-one support, and keeping the classroom tidy. With my 4th and 5th graders, I tutored and taught choir and acting classes where it was my job to inspire my students to be creative and try new things like singing in harmony. I babysat part-time for a family throughout high school in which I worked with one boy from when he was 8 to 11. In college, I worked at a Youth Theatre Camp as an assistant director and camp counselor for a musical for 6- to 9-year-olds and babysat for many families around Northwestern. These children were aged 12 months to 12 years. I had two families that I worked for consistently- one family had one 9-year-old, and one was for a family with 4 kids, age 3, 4, 7, and 10. My duties included cooking, cleaning, driving, navigating public transportation, homework help, taking care of pets, and occasionally conflict resolution. For fun, we would do arts and crafts, music and theatre activities, sports, and reading. For the younger kids, I would change diapers, feed them, bathe them, and put them to sleep.
I am passionate about childcare because kids are curious, imaginative, playful, brave, and smart. As a person and a performer, I strive for these qualities in myself and I love being with kids because they remind me how to be a better person and as I help them grow they help me grow as well when we have fun through play and creativity!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Working consistently as an actor and childcare professional and finding the perfect balance between both!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Drawing, singing, acting and playing characters/dress-up, dancing, coming up with new games to play, how to make essentially any craft using paper, scissors, and a gluestick, playing sports/ developing hand-eye coordination tasks.