Çin V.
Borough of Manhattan Community College,
Columbia University,
Pursuing my B.A.
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Nanny
New York, NY, 01/13 - 01/16
One boy, from ages 6 months through three years
Preschool Teacher's Assistant
New York, NY, 08/13 - 11/13
Preschool Teacher's Assistant
Westfield, MA, 08/11 - 04/12
In-Home Respite Care Provider/Babysitter
Longmeadow, MA, 11/09 - 11/11
Two boys, ages 17 and 2, one girl age 5
Other Experience
Server/Bartender/Kitchen Intern/Volunteer Gardener
New York, NY, 07/14 - 01/15
New York, NY, 06/13 - 07/14
About me
I've been around children my entire adolescent and adult life (as the eldest of six children), and I am my absolute happiest caring for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children. I take my childcare jobs very seriously and am very much focused on multidisciplinary education. As far as I am concerned, the most important thing a child can be taught is how to socialize. My most central philosophy as regards caregiving is one of compassion and empathy, particularly in frustrating circumstances. I pride myself on my patience, compassion, and loving demeanor. With that said, I am also a firm disciplinarian and believer in consequences that correlate with behavior. I find that children learn best through play and exploration of their environment. When you're with me, we use nice hands and nice words and if we can't do that, we play by ourselves until we're ready to use nice hands and nice words. When we find ourselves in a frustrating situation, we work through it. I'm also huge on positive reinforcement of positive behaviors and I love hugs, cuddles, high fives, knuckle punches, thumbs ups, and sincere and heartfelt words of praise. In caring for a child, I am contributing to the foundation that this child will have for the rest of their life, and I want my contribution to be a healthy one.
I've spent approximately a year working as a preschool teacher's assistant in two private preschools and I have an additional three years' worth of private nannying experience with children aged 6 months up to 9 years old. I have also worked as an in-home respite care provider for an adult with severe mental and physical disabilities.
Initially, I went to Cornell University, majoring in Biology with the intention of pursuing Pre-Medicine, however, I currently attend Columbia University part-time working towards a bachelor's degree in some field related to Women's/Gender/Sexuality Studies, Race/Ethnicity Studies, Human Rights, or Sustainability. I am a vegan and I try my best to consume mindfully wherever and whenever possible. I have two adopted cats whom I love tremendously.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Working for a non-profit or politician with the intention of furthering human rights in some capacity.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I'm quite active in my free time and I eat healthily, and I think that is a huge advantage to my being a childcare provider. I genuinely enjoy cooking and exploring new recipes. While I am vegan, I am not squeamish about meat (at my last job, I worked as a server at a Farm to Table restaurant and I would, weekly, intern in the kitchen. On several occasions I butchered a whole local, heritage pig from which we utilized every part) and will prepare it for anyone around me. There is nothing more fun than a day cooking/baking/creating in the kitchen with a couple of kids and I think that it teaches lifelong habits of healthy, mindful eating and personal responsibility (we clean up the dishes, too). I'm a very creative, artistic person and I really like to foster that in children. Arts and Crafts is one of my favorite subjects (Process versus Product-Art every time). I was a three-season athlete in high school and I spent most of my high school years working as a lifeguard, so I love spending time exercising, playing sports, and going to the local pool. Museums are some of my favorite day trips--I wound up going to the Museum of Natural History at least once a week with my previous charge.