Sarah B.
John Jay College,
Political Science
Front end web development
Professional Childcare Experience
Temp/travel nanny
NYC, New York, 10/22 - 03/23
One boy, age 4,-one girl, age 2
Full time nanny
NYC, NY, 10/20 - 06/21
One girl-age 3, one boy-new born.
Temp/Travel Nanny
New York, NY, 11/19 - 01/20
Two boys, ages 3 and 5.
Brooklyn, NY, 08/13 - 07/19
Two girls, ages 5 and 8; One boy, age 11
Brooklyn, NY, 08/12 - 08/13
One boy, age 6
Other Experience
Personal Assistant
NYC, NY, 10/18 - 07/19
1:1 Assistant
Jamaica, NY, 07/11 - 08/12
About me
I grew up in Brooklyn, NY as the 2nd youngest of five kids. I spent some time studying political science previously, and received an online degree in front end web development.
I’ve worked with children for 11+ years. The first job I had was as a one-to-one teacher in a special needs preschool. I worked with a physically disabled 4-year-old girl and an autistic 4-year-old boy and was responsible for taking the children to occupational, physical, and speech therapies and would observe the appointments and implement what I learned into the children's everyday routine. I helped the children get around and socialize with other children. From there, I began to nanny for a 6-year-old special needs boy who was developmentally delayed and had a feeding tube. I started off part time, but soon was there for 9+ hours a day. I would get there in the morning and get him ready for school and then run errands while he was at school (groceries, his laundry, lunch prep, dinner prep, schedule play dates/doctors appointment., tidy up). I would then pick him up from school and work on homework. I helped get him ready for bed, read him books, and his mom was usually home in time to get him to bed. After they moved away, I began working with another family who had two children at the time ages 3 and 5. Mom became pregnant a few months after and their youngest was born the following year. I spent days with the youngest for a while, and then eventually days consisted of picking all three kids up from school after having been in the home prepping lunches and dinner, running errands, and tidying up. We would head home after pickup and start on homework for the bigger kids, while getting the youngest ready for bed. I was with this family for 6 years and aided all the kids in their growth and learning!
I love to create bonds with families I work for. I'm super organized, punctual, proactive, and always take the initiative to make sure that the children are happy and well taken care of. I'm also completely fluent in Spanish!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
a published author.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to find fun and unique ways to introduce coding to the children!