Ashley O.
Bronx Community College,
A.A in Early childhood Education
Hunter College,
B.A in English
Professional Childcare Experience
Occasional Babysitter
Bronx, NY, 01/19 - Present
Age 4
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, New York, 08/19 - 10/20
One boy 8, one girl 11
After School Pick up
NY, NY, 04/19 - 06/19
Age 8
After School Pick up
NY, NY, 02/19 - 05/19
Age 10
Other Experience
Teacher's Assistant
Bronx, NY, 01/16 - 08/19
About me
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
I hope to be a teacher. I would like to travel and teach children in developing countries. I believe every child deserves a great education. If I could help out with that, that would be awesome.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach children about art! Often times art programs are not available at school, I like children to learn how to express themselves through art. Whether its making a collage or scribbling all over the paper, I like them to know their work is still beautiful. Science is another thing I like to teach and share children, re creating how volcanos work or how there are different states of matter or even the process of plants growth. I try my best to do activities that foster children's learning and development as well as curiosity.