Spencer K.
Sarah Lawrence College,
B.A. in Liberal Arts
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-time Babysitter
PEAPACK, NJ, 09/10 - Present
One boy, age 3-12
After-School Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 05/19 - Present
One boy, age 8
After-school Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 06/19 - Present
One boy, age 5
Part-time Babysitter
Bronxville, NY, 01/19 - 05/19
One girl, age 2
Vacation Nanny
Peapack, NJ, 07/18 - 07/18
Two girls, ages 3 and 9mo
After-School Babysitter
Peapack, NJ, 09/09 - 06/15
One girl, age 5-11, two boys, ages 2-7 and 3-9
Other Experience
Bronxville, NY, 01/19 - 05/19
Executive Director of Musical Theater Summer Camp
Gladstone, NJ, 06/18 - 08/18
Florham Park, NJ, 06/18 - 08/18
About me
I grew up in Peapack, New Jersey, with one younger sister. As a child, I was always reading or playing imaginary games in my backyard. I loved imagining so much I once told my mother I wanted to "pretend you're my mom, and i'm your daughter, and we're walking together in the park," which we were at the moment. I graduated in May 2019 from Sarah Lawrence College, where I studied theater producing and directing. Since graduating, I have been working part time as a nanny for a few families.
I have worked with children from 9mo to 13 years old. I started out as a mother's helper for my neighbor at age twelve, watching her two older children (3 and 5) after the birth of her third. I then graduated into working as a date-night and after school sitter for all three children of that family. I began working for another local family when their son was about 3 when I was 13. Now their son is approaching 12, and I have been sitting for them for the past nine years, including once staying overnight for three days with their son while they were out of town. Over the summer of my sophomore year of college, I began working for a family with a two year old daughter and continued with them after the birth of their other daughter, even traveling with them to Cape Cod, where I would play with the children on the beach and help get them ready for bed. I combined my theater and childcare skills to start a summer camp at a local private school the summer of my sophomore year as well. We taught kids ages 5-14 all about acting and performance. At school, I babysat regularly for a local family with a two year old daughter, staring at 7AM, playing with her in the morning, putting her down for a nap, and feeding her lunch when she woke up. I would also watch my professor's daughter, also two, while her mother was in class.
I love dancing and singing with kids, running around in parks, reading stories to them, and just playing in general. Spending time with kids keeps me from taking myself too seriously, and lets me experience the world from their perspective again. I love letting children drive their own experiences, and am a firm believer in real-world play over screentime.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A producer at an off-broadway house.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I have lots of arts and crafts experience, I love to bake with kids, and I love to use my theater experience to add to their imaginative play.