David P.
Pace University,
B.F.A in Musical Theatre
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School Babysitter
Manhattan, New York, 02/17 - Present
Twin boys, age 11
After-School Babysitter
Manhattan, New York, 02/17 - Present
One boy, age 11 and One girl, age 8
Other Experience
Restaurant Host
Manhattan, NY, 10/18 - 03/19
Off-Broadway Performer
Manhattan, NY, 07/17 - 03/18
Trader Joe's Crew Member
Manhattan, NY, 09/15 - 07/17
New York City, NY, 09/14 - 01/16
Burbank, CA, 01/11 - 07/14
About me
My name is David Park. I was born and raised in Los Angeles and am the oldest of 3! My brother, Daniel, is two years younger than me and my sister, Michelle, is 6 years younger. Growing up with my brother being so close to my age was the best thing I could've asked for, because he was my best friend growing up. While we had our own group of friends our age that we made from school, we also shared a large group of friends between us and spent a lot of our formative childhood years playing outside together and teaching each other about respecting boundaries while also sharing them.
Michelle was my baby growing up, I took care of her often growing up because both of my parents worked long hours. I fed her, helped her with homework, played with her outside and made sure that I was not only a good babysitter for my parents but the best big brother that I could be. Moving to New York so far from my family was hard and still is to this day, I miss them dearly. I moved here to go to school at Pace University where I graduated with a BFA in Musical Theatre (rare in the city, I know) but have been fortunate to have worked as an actor post grad and meet all kinds of fantastic people. I have always had great interpersonal skills, it's something that my parents stressed teaching me growing up, but I also grew up being very comfortable around peers and younger kids because I was always chaperoning my sister on her playdates around our cul-de-sac. As an adult, those skills I learned as a child have only deepened and blossomed into a perfect skill set for being around new children and helping them to feel at ease.
I have been sitting for families in the city for 2 years now. My most common responsibilities are: date night sitting, sports practice drop off/pick up, driving to and from school or play dates or wherever they need to go that day, homework supervision, and overall engagement with the kids. I generally work with children in the 5-11 age. That is not to say that I am not comfortable with children outside of that range, but I love that age range because of the level of interaction that is possible with such fresh and vibrant minds.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
On Broadway and inspiring a new generation of young Asian-American artists to believe that their voices are important, to be an advocate for deeper inclusion on and off stage/in front of and behind the camera, and to be mentors to those same artists and not just a "voice".
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Music, is something I have a passion for teaching and interacting with. In another life I would be a high school music teacher. I love talking about sports with the boys I watch now, but also loved talking about arts with my sister growing up. Of course those subjects can be easily switched with different children and genders, I have a passion for talking to kids and encouraging them to speak their minds and to find their voice. I'm a great listener.