Sidney D.
Millikin University,
B.F.A Musical Theatre
Professional Childcare Experience
Full Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 02/15 - 07/19
4 children, 3 girls(ages 4,6,14), 1 boy (age 13)
Part-time Babysitter
Decatur, IL, 12/10 - 05/14
One boy and one girl, ages 6 and 2
Vacation Nanny
Valencia, CA, 07/10 - 08/10
One boy and one girl, ages 3 and 5
Show Choir Day Camp Counselor
Newhall, CA, 06/09 - 06/10
Girls, ages 7-10
Part-time Babysitter
Valencia, CA, 01/06 - 01/09
Two boys, ages 5 and 2
Other Experience
Team Captain
New York, NY, 02/18 - Present
Night-time Supervisor at DISC (child parties)
Decatur, IL, 02/12 - 04/13
Party Coordinator at Sweet and Sassy
Valencia, CA, 05/08 - 12/08
About me
I am a southern California native who has lived in New York City for 5 years now! It is absolutely my forever home. I have been apart of the Smartsitting Family for 4.5 of the 5years here!
I came to New York post college pursing performing arts. I have travelled the country and world, singing, dancing, and acting. Musical Theatre is in my blood! I absolutely love to travel and to experience all that life has to offer. I am currently in school to become a certified nutrition and health coach. Living life to your fullest and maximizing your full potential is my life's work and passion!
I love working with children because they are true inspiration! They are the most AMAZING examples of the beautiful essences we are born with! I love to help foster growth and creative in children because they ARE they future! They are honest, giving, loving, curious, and hopeful! They possess all the beautiful things in life that we as adults forget to embrace when we get into our routine of work and responsibility! Children remind me to stay connected to my core self. Beyond that, I couldn't live without music, my mom and sister, Wanye Dyer's "The Power of Intention" (essentially about positivity), a stellar pillow, and chapstick! I believe life is a gift and we should all treat it as such.
I have experience with children from the age of 3 months all the way up to 17! The family I was with for 4 years in the city had me creating fun and order for 4 amazing children! I began with them at age 4, 6, 12, and 14. I am quick on my feet. I love to play! I have the energy of the energizer bunny! Pig back rides and sing alongs are my specialty. I am good with handling a lot at once while giving everyone what they need and giving lots of love! I have experience traveling with multiple children, coordinating playdates, breakfast, lunch, dinner ( I have done it all), after school activities, homework, art project, you name it.. I have done it! If I haven't I am always eager to learn and try a new adventure.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
running my own online/in person wellness studio and retreats while traveling across the country giving talks on how to maximize your strengths and using your authentic voice! Hopefully two kids of my own!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Singing; being themselves; remembering "please and thank yous"; don't forget to share your Smiles; love one another! Have fun! DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST! I also like for them to share and teach me!