Bianca D.
A.A Communications and Speech Language PathologyB.S in Psychology
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 04/13 - 01/18
One child, age 13
Other Experience
Youth Counselor
Thornwood, NY, 12/18 - Present
Medicaid Service Coordinator
Bronx, NY, 06/17 - 12/18
Care Coordinator
New York, NY, 07/18 - 10/18
ABA Therapist
New York, NY, 06/18 - 10/18
ABA Therapist
New York, NY, 03/18 - 06/18
ABA Therapist
New York, NY, 11/16 - 02/17
About me
As a child I always dreamed of becoming a teacher. But during my first experience with the Board of Education, I quickly determined that I wanted to do more than just help and assist children in school, but make an impact on their lives. When working with children I enjoy the fact that no day is the same and that you can always be surprised at what you learn alongside the children.
I am passionate about working with children because they are the future and with a great foundation, guidance and support they will grow up to be the best that they can. I believe in allowing a kid to be a kid and allowing them to learn from their own mistakes instead of telling them what is expected of them. Yes, you can show a child how to do something the correct way, but I believe allowing a child to form their own opinions will allow them to become stronger individuals. I love to observe children growing, thriving, and evolving into themselves. During their early childhood stages their imaginations come alive as they explore their environment as well as new things. In my life have always been the go to person when it comes to giving advice to my friends and family. I am also always willing to offer help to anyone in need without expecting anything in exchange. I am selfless and always willing to lend a helping hand wherever it is needed.
I have worked with children and adolescents with ASD, medical conditions, congenital conditions, psychiatric conditions and developmental delays for 7 1/2 years. My experience has allowed me to work in school settings, home base settings and facilities. I first began working in this field when I was offered a job as a teacher's assistant for a not for profit school in the city. This job has led me to discover my passion for working with this population, as well as becoming a strong advocate for the children and their families. I later decided to go back to school to further a degree in Psychology with a minor in Communication Disorders. My school schedule made it impossible for me to continue my job at the Board of Ed. However, I did come across a lovely family with a child with ASD who I would end up spending the next 7 1/2 years with. As he went away to school, I became an ABA Therapist and remained in this field, (working with children from 3 1/2 to 19 years old), learning everything that I can to help this population strive for greatness, become the best that they can be, and trying my best to help reduce the stigma that society has placed on them.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A licensed psychologist with 2 specialties: one in School Psychology and one in Clinical Psychology, as well as licensed Behavior Analyst with my own practice. I hope to work for myself but also to be contracted by the Board of Education and various agencies to assist families who may have difficulty finding a psychologist due to insurance purposes, since insurance has become a major issue when it comes to finding the best services for children and families.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to play board games with children that I work with, as well as teaching and showing them new things that might possibly interest them. I am good at regulating behaviors and tantrums. I love reading books and creating stories to expand their creativity.