Michael P.
B.A. in Applied PsychologyMental Health Counseling
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School Babysitter
Bronxville, NY, 04/22 - 04/23
Two boys, ages 11 and 13
After- School Babysitter
Queens, NY, 05/21 - 05/22
After-School babysitter
Bronx, NY, 06/20 - 05/22
Boy, age 11
After-School Babysitter
New York, NY, 06/15 - 08/18
Boy, 9 years old
After-School Babysitter
Bronx, NY, 09/15 - 09/16
Boy, 8 years old
Other Experience
Paraprofessional at Department of Education
Bronx, NY, 11/12 - Present
About me
I started growing love and care for kids when I was about 14 years old. I noticed I would see kids with disabilities at my high school and all of my friends would just make fun of them, meanwhile I was always defending them. I personally grew fond of working with kids because when I was growing up, I had a speech delay. I didn't start speaking until I was about 3 years old. So I know the feeling when people make fun of you as a child and make you seem weird or not normal. I took it upon myself to try to change kids' lives one at a time.
After graduating high school, I started working for the Department of Education. I got hired to work as a paraprofessional, focusing on working with autistic kids with behavioral issues and disabilities. Six years later, I'm still working for the DOE and I love every minute of it. It is an honor for me to work alongside these kids. I personally feel I've changed about 20 to 25 kids lives while working at the DOE. I worked with kids of all age groups including preschoolers, school-aged, pre-teen, and teenagers. Most of the kids I worked with were either diagnosed with autism or were emotionally disturbed.
My love for babysitting began after working with a family in the Bronx for three years. The child was 7 years old at the time. My main responsibilities were to pick him up from an after-school program in my car and take him back home, help him with his homework, and be very interactive with him. We would usually go to the park on weekends and he would also help me cook. My responsibilities included meal prepping dinner before the family got home, putting in loads of laundry, keeping the house tidy, and on occasion shoveling the driveway when it was snowed in. I ended up loving babysitting after working with this family, as they made me feel at home and welcomed at all times.
When working with children, I make sure the child is safe and protected at all times. I like socializing with kids and making them think outside the box. I'm a strong believer that kids need to explore and experiment to reach their full potential. Getting to know the kid you're working with makes you find out more about yourself in a sense. Kids bring out the best in adults
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A psychologist. I want to help kids with troubled pasts or kids in the foster care system live a normal life. I want to be able to have a big impact in a kid's life.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I like to teach social skills and communication. It is very important to learn how to communicate fluently and socialize in this generation where everything is moving so fast and technology is growing faster then expected.