Allisha E.
Syracuse University,
BFA in Acting
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 10/18 - 03/19
One girl, 10 years old
Part-Time Nanny
New York, NY, 05/17 - 08/17
Two girls, ages 2 years and 6 months
Caregiver at Daycare
Fredericksburg, VA, 05/16 - 08/16
Children ages 4 months through 5 years
Occasional Babysitter
Alexandria, VA, 03/12 - 08/14
Two girls, 4 years and 6 months
Occasional Babysitter
Alexandria, VA, 05/12 - 07/13
Two boys, ages 5 and 7
Other Experience
Assistant Director
New York, NY, 07/19 - 07/19
New York, NY, 06/17 - 07/18
Community Actors Workshop Facilitator
Syracuse, NY, 01/17 - 01/18
Box Office Attendant
Syracuse, NY, 10/15 - 01/18
Casting Assistant
Syracuse, NY, 02/16 - 01/18
About me
My name is Allisha and I am a recent graduate of Syracuse University where I obtained my BFA in Acting. I love dogs, baking, reading, and dancing badly to ABBA. Originally from northern Virginia (southern accent available upon request), I spent most of my extracurricular time in high school and college either participating in theater or babysitting. Childcare has been my primary and preferred source of income for nearly 8 years because it allows me to be active and creative in my work life!
During the summer of my junior year, I worked at a daycare where I cared for up to 5 children at a time, from 3 months to 6 years. The summer of my senior year, I was a nanny for a New York City family with two girls (2 years and 6 months) for 30-35 hours a week. Since graduating and putting down roots in NYC, I have done after-school care for a 10 year old girl, as well as working as a staff member at the kids club of a local Brooklyn gym, where parents drop off their children while they exercise.
I come from a military family that appreciates discipline as much as they appreciates play. I am passionate about embracing creativity and imagination in young children. I wouldn't be in the field I am now if my curiosity and creative spirit hadn’t been encouraged as a child. One of the greatest gifts that I have held onto is my love of a good game, and that is why I love improv! Whether we are kicking a soccer ball around, or pretending to be dragons, I always enjoy engaging interactively with kids.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
an actor and writer on a show that I helped create. I hope that the show is a tender and funny representation of life as a young minority. I also hope to be able to support myself through my art, using that financial stability to give back to the community by supporting arts and educational opportunities for other people of color. I hope to be able to travel and I hope I have finally learned to play the guitar. I hope to have a community of friends and peers who challenge me and who I hold in high esteem.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
dancing, arts and crafts, sing-a-longs, playing pretend, teaching cartwheels, puzzles and soccer. I am also always excited to invest in learning a new skill or activity together!