Jennifer E.
Simmons University,
University of Pennsylvania,
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-time Nanny
Red Bank, NJ, 11/18 - Present
Ages 8 months and 2, two girls
Part-Time Babysitter
Toms River, NJ, 05/17 - Present
Age 2, one girl
Part-Time Babysitter
Wall, NJ, 09/18 - Present
Ages 7 and 9, one boy and one girl
Part-Time Nanny
Bradley Beach, NJ, 05/17 - 09/18
Ages 2 and 4, one boy and one girl
Other Experience
Freelance Children’s Yoga + Mindfulness Teacher
Various local towns and studios, NJ, 02/18 - Present
Lead Teacher + Manager, Children’s Yoga Studio
Toms River, NJ, 05/17 - 06/18
Intensive Care Coordinator
Beverly, MA, 11/09 - 11/11
Social Worker, Intern (CHOP)
Philadelphia, PA, 08/08 - 05/09
School Social Worker, Intern
Darby, PA, 08/07 - 02/08
About me
When I was 14 years old, I started my own babysitting business serving approximately 10 families in my neighborhood. Over 20 years later, I’ve had the pleasure of working with children in schools, hospitals, therapeutic settings, yoga studios, and right in the intimate space of their own home. I have worked with children in all stages of development from infancy through young adulthood, from changing diapers to helping children own their power and build confidence. I love all of it! My ability to multi-task and remain calm in fast paced (ever changing) environments allows me to manage homes successfully. I am a Licensed Social Worker, Certified Life & Leadership Coach, and a Yoga Teacher for both children and adults.
When working with children, I create a safe and calm environment, an environment that is conducive to both learning and fun! I’m a strong advocate for outdoor play and creative ways to connect, learn, and grow. I find great joy in seeing children happy and full of life, and I think it’s so important to help them continue to nourish that inner child as they grow older. As a yoga teacher, I believe that yoga and mindfulness practices are empowering with far-reaching benefits that carry over from the yoga mat and into everyday life, and I love sharing those benefits and practices with the children and families that are open to it!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
I hope to be well established and connected with a family through SmartSitting. I hope to still be empowering children and families in various capacities, while also coaching on the side.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach kids mindfulness skills and practices. I believe mindfulness is a skill that holds some much value, especially in our hyper-connected and constantly active culture. I love to help kids build confidence and own their unique power and strengths. I love to teach children good manners, encourage healthy communication and connection, and promote an overall healthy sense of self. In terms of activities; I love playing outside with kids. I love taking mindful walks, going to the park or the beach, museums, crafts and anything else that nourishes that inner child and creative!