Kyle B.
Kean University,
Bachelor's in Theatre
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Astoria, New York, 05/19 - Present
Boy, age 8. Girl, age 5
Part-Time Nanny
Middletown, NJ, 04/15 - Present
One boy and one girl, age 3 and 1
As Needed Nanny
Highland Park, NJ, 10/16 - Present
One boy, age 6
Special Needs Caregiver
Brooklyn, NY, 08/19 - 04/23
One boy, 19
Before and After School Care
Holmdel, NJ, 03/15 - 12/18
Three boys, age 13 (twins) and 9
Before and After School Care
Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 02/14 - 10/14
Two boys and one girl, age 10, 8 and 13
Part-Time Nanny
Lincroft, NJ, 01/13 - 08/13
One boy, age 2
Other Experience
New York, NY, 10/17 - Present
Retail Sales Associate
Holmdel, NJ, 06/05 - 12/17
Netcong, NJ, 04/15 - 05/15
About me
I am an actor and photographer originally from New Jersey. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Theatre from Kean University and I'm pursuing a career on stage. My background in the arts allows me to be creative and imaginative, both qualities children should explore openly and freely.
I have extensive experience working with children of all ages. Most of my experience has been with toddlers and elementary school aged children but I also have experience working with infants. Additionally, I have experience working with twins and children with special needs. I am confident and comfortable with administering medications and/or working with a family on behavior management.
Throughout my journey in childcare, I have learned the value of open communication with parents and children alike. I find communication is essential to successful management of schedules, handling challenges that may arise at school or at home, and brainstorming different effective ways to meet a family's needs. Working with families and children is important to me and as such I take each position seriously. I work hard to honor all of my commitments and provide a family with all the help they need and require.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Performing in theatre regionally and New York City.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I like to bake and cook with children, teach and remind them how to be polite and courteous to other people. I love to share theatre and music with them beyond what they may already know.