Meagan S.
University of North Carolina School of the Arts,
B.F.A in DramaNone
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-time babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 01/19 - Present
One girl, age 2
Brooklyn, NY, 01/19 - Present
Two girls, age 10 and 12
Part-Time babysitter
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 06/23 - 08/23
two girls, 9 and 4
Philadelphia, PA, 10/21 - 05/23
1 boy, 1 girl, ages 3 and newborn
After-school babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 01/18 - 01/19
One boy, age 8
Part-time babysitter
Astoria, NY, 08/18 - 01/19
One boy, age 3
Brooklyn, NY, 05/18 - 08/18
One boy, age 2
Las Vegas, NV, 06/14 - 08/14
Two girls and one boy, age 4, 6 and infant
Other Experience
Co-Founder of Mixed in America
Brooklyn, NY, 08/18 - Present
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 01/21 - Present
Stuttering Association for the Young: TA
New York, NY, 05/16 - Present
Arts to Grow: Drama after school teacher
New York, NY, 09/16 - 08/17
Lincoln Center Education: Teaching Artist
New York, NY, 06/15 - 06/16
About me
I’m Meagan, an empathetic creative with many vibrant colors. I love to act, sing, dance, & empower children. My friends would say that I'm a joyful spirit with a laugh the size of Las Vegas, which is where I'm originally from!
I am the co-creator of Mixed in America, a community organization created to empower and uplift multiracial families & individuals. I lead support groups & do workshops for schools around the country.I am a proud mixed-race woman myself so giving back in this way is extremely important to me. This work has made me deeply vulnerable to the unique needs of children, & their desire to be truly seen, felt & heard by their caretakers.
I love helping children express themselves! I encourage them to celebrate their uniqueness by facilitating the creation of their own stories/plays/dances/etc.I adore teaching children early on about the power of their own imagination. I see children as enormous souls in small packages, and that mantra ensures that I never underestimate their brilliance.
I have 15 years of childcare experience working with children ranging from newborn to teens. This includes children with autism, special needs, ADHD and stuttering. My training includes over 7 years of arts education through organizations such as Lincoln Center Education, The Stuttering Association for the Young, Bartol’s Trauma Informed training, Girl’s First Trauma Informed training, & Mama Glow Doula training. Additionally, I have a BFA in Drama from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts.
One of my greatest skills is my emotionally intuitive nature. I am able to connect with the emotional needs of a child while also honoring boundaries, rules, and safety. I've lived in Nevada, North Carolina, Philadelphia and New York City, so I have experience with diverse families from many different cultures and walks of life. Lastly, I am comfy in the kitchen and I enjoy keeping my environment organized and tidy. You can count on me to leave your home tidier than I found it!
Thank you so much for any consideration and I look forward to hearing from your lovely family!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Performing in a show I love, teaching arts education workshops to children all around nyc, and continuing to empower the multiracial community through my Mixed in America support groups!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach them: self-love, healthy emotional expression, nervous system regulation, communication , confidence , and anything involving performance and the arts! I also love to cook with children, and help make tidying fun for them.