Jade Z.
Emerson College,
B.A. in ActingMinor in Entrepreneurship
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
New York City, NY, 01/19 - Present
One girl, age 1
Part-Time Babysitter
New York City, NY, 01/19 - Present
One boy, age 3 and one girl, age 1
Part-Time Babysitter
New York City, NY, 06/18 - Present
One girl, age 3
Part-Time Babysitter
New York City, NY, 08/16 - Present
Two boys, ages 3 and 8 months
After-School Babysitter
New York City, NY, 09/16 - Present
One girl, age 14
Part-Time Babysitter
New York City, , 05/18 - 05/21
Three boys, age 3 and two newborn twins
After-School Babysitter
Boca Raton, FL, 08/11 - 05/13
Two boys, ages 8 and 11
Other Experience
New York City, NY, 01/16 - Present
Head of Art Dept at French Woods Performing Camp
Hancock, NY, New York, 05/21 - 08/21
Sales Agent
New York City, NY, 03/17 - 12/17
Social Media & Sales
Boca Raton, FL, 06/16 - 12/16
Camp Counselor
Boca Raton, FL, 06/14 - 06/16
Boston, MA, 10/15 - 01/16
Camp Counselor
Hancock, NY, 06/12 - 08/12
About me
From a very young age, I was the "older cousin" who was always in charge of all the little ones! At age 11, I started my "first business," aka a hand-made business card that I put in all of my neighbor's mailboxes to be both a nanny and mother's helper. Since then, I have had a love for children, and a passion to serve as a positive influence in their lives. After attending a performing arts sleep-away camp for 7 years, I became a counselor living in a bunk with about twelve 9-year-olds. I was a sitter throughout high school, picking two boys up from elementary and middle school, helping with homework, and being on-call for anything else the parents needed. Since then, I have worked as a day camp counselor at another theatre camp working with big personalities! Additionally, over the course of the past 2 years, I have been a part-time babysitter for two families here in New York City, one with a wonderful girl now age 13 and another with a fantastic boy now age 3 and his new sibling. I had the honor of being there for the birth of this family's second child!
I am a vegetarian/vegan who eats gluten-free, so I am very well versed with dietary restrictions. I am also a working Voice Over/Commercial Actress in the city, as well as the Founder of my own nonprofit. This has taught me invaluable skills like extreme organization, communication, responsibility, and of course the most important, the ability to stage an entire production of Frozen before mom and dad get home from date night.
Unconditional love is how I approach everything in life! I work to create a safe space for children to be themselves and feel appreciated. I am very optimistic and naturally use positive reinforcement with kids, with the awareness of instilling useful life tools like "treating others the way we wish to be treated." I am very grateful for the opportunity to play and laugh with children of all ages!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
The voice of a Disney animated character, especially for kids!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Singing for sure! I believe music to be the most profound form of both self-expression and education. I love to play games, and am flexible and aware of the needs/passions/desires of each individual child.