Elyse J.
Virginia Commonwealth University,
B.F.A. in Theatre Performance
Professional Childcare Experience
Brooklyn, NY, 04/14 - Present
10 months and 3 years two boys
Other Experience
Project Manager of C.A.R.E.
Richmond, VA, 01/13 - 03/14
About me
I have been working with children since I was in high school which included babysitting and teaching. Upon graduating from college with a degree in Theatre, I have been teaching children and teens through this medium. My first step into bringing theatre to young children was my experience working with Drama Kids NYC on the Upper East Side. I had the opportunity to play and talk with kids after school and then dance, play theatre games and act! It was a wonderful experience for me as I not only taught but I was able to spend time with the children and talk to them about their day. The following summer I worked with 15 teens in creating their own theatre piece. This was also a time where we could form together a solid group and we became very connected. We still communicate on social media and I love hearing from them and how they’ve grown and what new things they’re learning about themselves.
Aside from theatre, I love playing music and I am currently learning how to play the guitar. I enjoy being outside and close to the water if I can get to it! I like to eat a healthy diet and enjoy cooking my own healthy food and snacks. I have recently taken up running and that helps keep me balanced and full of energy.
I enjoy being able to take what I’m learning in my own personal life and extend that knowledge to the younger generation. I have had many amazing mentors in my life who have instilled wisdom in me and I’d like to pay-it-forward by imparted some small wisdom on others who ask for it.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
An Occupational Therapist and healing with movement and art.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to be outdoors and I am a surfer! I also play guitar and sing.