Veronica N.
Sociology / Liberal Arts
Professional Childcare Experience
Full-time Nanny
New York, NY, 09/17 - 12/18
One girl, age 6 months
Full time Nanny
New York, NY, 02/15 - 04/17
One boy, age 2 months
Full-time Nanny
New York, NY, 06/05 - 08/09
One boy, age 3 months
Other Experience
Assistant Manager
NY, November 2018, 11/18 - Present
About me
Hi, I’m Veronica and I have dedicated my life to being a mom and dad to my daughter Gaby! She is a beautiful, smart and loving young lady. I knew since the first day I became a mother that raising children is the greatest joy in life. I had many jobs throughout my life but my first opportunity as a nanny changed the course of my life and career path forever. My degree in Sociology and education has been complimentary to becoming working in the field of childcare. I not only posses the experience of being a mother myself but also posses a formal education in child development.
Being a nanny for over ten years has provided me with many loving and treasured memories . Each family had been a joy and pleasure to work with! I love to engage and interact with children while actively teaching them through play. Imaginative play and even fun silly games are imperative to enhance creativity and aid in developmental growth. Every stage in a child’s development is a milestone and as a nanny I work to help children meet each and every one. It is perfectly normal for parents to often worry about these reaching these very important milestones. As a nanny, I love to share my knowledge and childcare expertise with families so that they may rest assure that with a lot of love and patience everything will be ok.
I bring love, dedication and happiness to children and their families. It is very rewarding to know parents can head to work confident their child is receiving the best care!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
In Spain enjoying the beautiful Island of Mallorca.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to teach and actively engage children. I enjoy teaching children through music, interactive reading and activities related to education. Additionally, art related activities like painting and drawing are a great source of learning and fun that I love doing.