Gabriel B.
Webster University,
B.A. in Media Communications
Professional Childcare Experience
Teacher Assistant
St. Louis, MO, 05/12 - 08/17
Boys and girls, age 2-5
Part-Time Babysitter
St. Louis, MO, 07/15 - 07/15
Boys and girls, age 3 and 5
Part-Time Babysitter
St. Louis, MO, 09/12 - 07/13
One boy and one girl, age 5
Other Experience
Administrative Assistant, Courier
St. Louis, Missouri, 11/17 - 08/18
About me
Hello! My name is Gabriel and I grew up in St. Louis, MO. My wife and I moved to NYC in order to pursue careers in performing and writing. She has a BFA in Musical Theatre and I was involved in the St. Louis community theatre scene for about 3 years. In St. Louis, I Attended Bishop DuBourg High School. Every January, the senior class was required to complete a service project for two weeks. We had the option of completing this requirement at nursing homes, schools, medical centers, etc. I volunteered at the Nestle Purina Child Development Center. I quickly realized childcare was an amazing fit for me and applied for a paid permanent position with the center. I was exposed to various ages and sharpened my skills as a childcare provider. I worked for the center full-time during and after college! Childcare is incredibly rewarding! I enjoy engaging children and watching them actively learn.
I attended Webster University in Webster Groves, MO. I was originally a film production major but was so fascinated by other courses, I switched to being undeclared after the first semester. I ended up with a BA in Media Communications with two minors - one in philosophy and one in theatre. New York City has been my dream home for as long as I can remember! My heart belongs to storytelling and I apply this passion to my love of childcare! I love reading to children and watching their imaginations run wild. I enjoy reading, theatre, watching television, playing video games, and going to the movies. Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me! I look forward to getting to know you and your amazing families!
I have professional child care experience with...
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Writing and performing full time.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love act of creating art with children! Whether it be through drawing and crafting projects. I enjoy entertaining children with enriching activities, while limiting screen time. Children can benefit greatly from exploring the outdoors! It is important to foster their imaginations through play and storytelling. Field trips can also be a great source of learning and fun! Breaking from the norm and experiencing something new is a vital part of growing up. I believe new experiences are vital to a child and their growth!