Emily S.
Indiana University,
B.A. in Theatre & DramaB.A. in English
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Cincinnati, OH, 06/14 - Present
One boy, from age 2 to 6
Camp Counselor
Bloomington, IN, 06/17 - 07/17
Girls, ages 14-18
Camp Counselor
Cincinnati, OH, 06/12 - 06/14
Children, ages 9-13
Other Experience
Accounting Assistant
Cincinnati, OH, 05/18 - Present
Office Assistant
Cincinnati, OH, 06/18 - 08/18
Cincinnati, OH, 06/17 - 06/18
Teaching Artist
Cincinnati, OH, 06/17 - 06/18
About me
Hello! My name is Emily. I grew up in the Midwest and after having been a touring Shakespearean actor and teacher for the past year, I finally moved to New York! I'm excited to be in the city and for each new experience that comes my way--thus far, I'm even still grateful for getting caught in the rain and missing various trains, but I'm sure the shine will wear off eventually. Although acting is my passion and my career, I've been working with children since I was barely older than a child myself (14!) and it is a job that consistently makes me very happy. I think children are fascinating! I love learning about them, asking questions, and listening to them--kids of all ages are full of thoughts, feelings, and creativity, and discovering what makes each child unique is a joy. The child of two psychologists, I don't believe in corporal punishment or raising my voice to a child--I DO believe in listening, clear communication, asking the child to explain and discuss their feelings, and implementing a well-executed time-out if necessary. I've babysat children as young as 18 months, many toddlers, kindergarteners, and all the way up to tweens. What excites me most about children is their openness and curiosity--how wonderful it is to experience life with them! As a caretaker, I want to create a space for children to explore, ask questions, and feel welcomed in the world.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
A professional actress and educator still here in NYC!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I am a HUGE fan of building forts (cardboard, pillow, and blanket), having dance parties, singing together, reading aloud, playing imagination games, making slime and other small chemistry experiments, cooking together, and sharing stories. I always have lots of fun theater games in my back pocket, which comes in handy!