Hannah M.
The Boston Conservatory,
BFA in Musical Theatre
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 10/17 - Present
One boy, age 7
After-School Babysitter
New York, NY, 10/17 - Present
One boy and one girl, ages 4 and 8
After-School Babysitter
White Plains, NY, 03/18 - 06/18
Two girls and one boy, ages 13, 9, and 7
Part-Time Babysitter
White Plains, NY, 09/09 - 07/13
Two boys, ages 5 and 8
Part-Time Babysitter
White Plains, NY, 08/09 - 05/13
One boy and one girl, ages 2 and 7
Part-Time Babysitter
White Plains, NY, 09/09 - 12/12
Two girls and one boy, ages 2, 6, and 4
Other Experience
Educational Performer - Clean Green Music Machine
Boston and New York, MA, NY, 04/17 - Present
Bronxville, NY, 10/17 - 09/18
After-School Tutor
Boston, MA, 09/14 - 05/17
Elementary After-School Tutor
White Plains, NY, 09/11 - 05/13
Rock Hill, NY, 06/11 - 08/11
Teaching Assistant - Early Childhood Program
White Plains, NY, 06/09 - 08/09
About me
Hi! I'm Hannah! I grew up just north of the city in White Plains and Riverdale, and I currently live in Washington Heights -- I'm a NYC gal through and through. Growing up, I discovered a passion for storytelling through performance, which guided my decision to earn a BFA in Musical Theatre at The Boston Conservatory. An integral part of my upbringing was based in collaborative learning. I find fulfillment through interpersonal connections of all kinds, and i've had the privilege of exercising that fulfillment in many wonderful ways. In high school I worked as an assistant at an early childhood program with 2 and 3 year olds, volunteered at my local elementary school as an after-school tutor, and formed long-lasting relationships with those I worked with and for. In college, I volunteered at the YMCA in downtown Boston, working with kids ages 5 through 12 on homework and extracurricular activities.
One of my favorite parts about childcare is embracing the profound responsibility that comes with working with kids in their formative years. I do not accept that privilege lightly. I do my best to lead by example, always with love and kindness. More than anything, I value the potential for "wonderful" within each child. While manners and discipline are important to me, I do my best to work with kids in a manner that is consonant with the parenting style of the client. My goal is to provide consistent, predictable childcare that provides a degree of familiarity and comfort, both for the kids and the parents.
If there's anything musical theatre school has taught me, it's that collaborative energy is contagious, there is always fun to be had in the seemingly ordinary, and that if you look hard enough, there is always a creative solution to the most vexing problem.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Pursuing a theatrical career I am proud of, and continuing to find fulfillment through the arts and through meaningful connection. I hope to still be consuming enormous amounts of hummus.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I play pretend for a living! I think storytelling and imagination are incredible ways to learn and grow - there is nothing more valuable, or more fun! I was also an "AP kid" in high school, and I enjoy those kinds of academic pursuits as well. I love to help with homework and act as tutor, and I am a huge proponent of "knowledge is power." I'm well versed in Chess, Scrabble, and any sport in which I don't need to win. Most importantly, I'm excited about what excites your child - learning from and with them, playing their favorite games and most-loved activities.