Lindsey M.
Wagner College,
B.A. in Psychology, Minor in Art09/09-05/13
Brooklyn College,
M.A. in Education/Spanish01/17-05/19
Professional Childcare Experience
Part time/Temporary babysitting
New York, New York, , 09/15 - Present
6 months-14 years
Part time/after school sitter
Brooklyn, New York, 09/15 - Present
girl, 10& boy, 13 (kids were 6 & 9 when I started)
Part-time nanny
New York, , 06/18 - Present
boy, 1
English language teacher/tutor
Ubrique, Cádiz, Spain, 09/14 - 06/15
Behavior Support Specialist
Toms River, NJ, 10/13 - 09/14
Two boys, ages 12 and 20
Other Experience
Personal Chef
Brooklyn, NY, 08/18 - Present
English Language Assistant
Ubrique, Cadiz, Spain, 09/14 - 06/15
Private English Tutoring
Ubrique, Cadiz, Spain, 09/14 - 06/15
About me
I have always enjoyed taking care of others. As the eldest sister & cousin of a large, tight-knit family I cherish the opportunities I have had to act as a role model & look after those I love. I was born & raised in NJ, where I lived until I moved to NYC to attend Wagner College in 2009.There I earned a B.A in psychology/art. After finishing my B.A. in 2013 I worked as a behavior support specialist for kids w/ disabilities. In 2014, I taught English in Spain for a year to kids aged 3-16. These experiences solidified my desire to work w/ young people & opened my eyes to the countless rewards of teaching.I am currently pursuing a M.A. in Spanish/education at Brooklyn College.
Since my return to NYC in 2015 I have worked as a nanny. I still work with the 1st family I started with back then, & feel lucky to have spent these years w/ them. The kids were 6 & 9 when I started. My job there has consisted of pick up/drop off at playdates & activities, as well as homework help, meal prep & some over-night care. Free time is usually filled with arts&crafts, baking, board games, sports & gymnastics. I have worked various temp-sitting jobs & have cared for kids as young as 6 mos., up to pre-teens. I have worked as a date night sitter, feel comfortable with multiples & have tutored Spanish. With babies/toddlers, we've spent time playing at home & engaging in tummy time, working on milestones like sitting up/pulling up & had fun at parks/children's museums. I have experience feeding, bathing, changing & doing bed/nap time routines with young kids.
I am am very active & love to do anything with kids outdoors. I enjoy all sorts of creative activities. I love cooking and healthy eating is very important to me. I have worked as a personal chef & feel confident in the kitchen. I have cooked everything from vegan meals to roasted meats & am happy to help out with any meal prep! I speak Spanish & it would be my pleasure to share this w/ kids I look after in any capacity, whether that be homework help or general exposure to the language. Finally, I am a very easy going & strive to live my life with a positive outlook. I consider myself to be flexible, reliable, empathetic & open.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Teaching Spanish in a middle or high school in NYC. I hope to save up enough money to be able to take a trip once a year to a Spanish speaking country to either teach or do volunteer work so I can further improve my language skills and enrich my cultural knowledge to become a better teacher. I also hope to one day get certified to teach yoga as well, and do that during the summer months.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love teaching children about languages. I once wrote a play in Spanish with the 8 year old girl I babysit. I also really enjoy cooking and baking with children, and doing anything hands on and creative. Spending time outside and remaining active are also very important to me, and love to engage in any outdoor play with kids.