Lissete V.
Manhattan College,
B.A in Psychology09/13-06/16
Professional Childcare Experience
Camp Counselor
New City, NY, 06/16 - 08/16
Fifteen girls, ages 10-14
Private Tutor
Riverdale, NY, 09/15 - 06/16
Two girls, ages 8 and 9
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 05/14 - 08/15
One boy, age 2 months
Part-time Babysitter
New York, NY, 01/14 - 04/14
One girl, age 5
Other Experience
ESL Teacher
Phetchabun, Thailand, 06/17 - 03/18
Group Leader
Bronx, NY, 09/16 - 06/17
Riverdale, NY, 09/15 - 06/16
Bronx, NY, 10/15 - 05/16
Sales Associate
New York, NY, 10/12 - 11/13
New York, NY, 10/11 - 06/12
About me
At a very young age, I found myself looking after my younger sibling and cousins. I loved to be around them and teach them what I was learning. My mother had a daycare business where I often helped the children with different tasks such as homework. When I was 15 years old, I began volunteering at my Church as a teacher's aide. I was supporting the teachers with fun activities while ensuring the children were in a safe environment. Since then I have been working with different families taking care of the youngest of infants to preteens. I've worked at a summer camp, after-school programs, with families through an online resource, and I was just teaching students in Thailand last year!
Working with children has always been fun for me. I learn from the kids that I've met and I admire their creativity, resilience and endless energy. When working with children I love to leave room for them to really use their imagination. It's also important to incorporate different learning styles because every child is different. I studied Psychology in college where I learned to be very observant. I like to observe every child and accommodate their needs.
Being around kids and working with them is absolutely rewarding. There is never a dull moment. I am able to help kids learn in new ways, I get to experience things with them for the first time and they even help me learn about myself.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
I would like to be on the road to successfully completing my PhD. I would like to have traveled extensively and continue experiencing an exciting life filled with happiness and thrilling adventures!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I think it is important to teach children how to be kind and respectful towards one another. For the younger kids I like to play activities where they learn how to take turns and share with one another. I also like to teach children about self control. With this certain skill I like to play games like "Simon says" or "Red light, Green light", which helps students develop focus, strengthens their attention skills and helps the kids practice following directions.