Allison N.
The University of Hartford; The Hartt School,
B.M. in Music, Bassoon Performance, Minor in Psychology09/07/06/11
The Juilliard School,
M.M. in Music, Bassoon Performace09/11-06/13
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 07/13 - Present
Twins, age 10
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 09/16 - Present
One boy, age 2
Part-time Babysitter
New York, NY, 07/16 - 09/17
One boy, age 3
Part-Time Babysitter
Monroe, CT, 01/05 - 01/16
One boy, age 5, and Two girls, ages 3 and infant
Other Experience
Bassoon Teacher
New York, NY, 09/11 - Present
Sales Associate, The Juilliard Store
New York, NY, 09/13 - Present
Piano Teacher
Monroe, CT, 09/04 - 06/06
About me
As the oldest sibling of three, I've always had a sense of responsibility for those younger than me. I can remember teaching my sister to do a cartwheel, helping my brother learn how to swim (with a ton of supervision), and teaching both of them in our pretend "school" and grading their "homework" assignments for them on the weekends (I think this was the activity my parents loved the most). I think that same sense of responsibility has followed me into adulthood. I enjoy teaching music to children of various ages in classroom settings and in private music lessons on a regular basis, and sharing my knowledge with them brings me a sense of joy that I don't experience anywhere else in my life. Furthermore, I believe that children have a wealth of information to share with adults that we just have to open our minds and ears to be able to understand what it is they have to say.
I love an adventure, and I feel comfortable escorting children around the hustle and bustle of the city. Whether it's taking the 10-year old twins I occasionally babysit to Central Park to make up a new game involving a soccer ball and a scooter or traversing Washington Heights with the 2-year-old I babysit on occasion to see city buses up close and personal, I'm up for whatever travels come my way.
As a freelance musician in NYC, I get to follow the next adventure on a regular basis. One of my favorite musical experiences thus far has been a young people's series in Newark, NJ in which I was a member of a woodwind quintet in residence coaching the middle and high school bands in preparation for an upcoming concert. We worked for weeks to prepare them for a side by side concert with professional musicians, and at first, they had very little confidence in themselves. By instilling them with our musical wisdom and our confidence in each and every one of them, we were able to present a concert that moved not only the students but also their families and all of the professional musicians involved.
My childcare experience in the city includes families with children ranging from 2 months old to 10 years old, and I have music students that I've taught up through their final year of high school. In my personal life, I enjoy spending time with family, reading, cooking, doing yoga, and walking/running and occasionally getting out of town to go hiking with my rescue pit bull, Clara.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
I'd love to be continuing my life as a freelance musician; there's never a dull moment in NYC, and to make a freelance career work, you have to know how to roll with the punches. Ideally, I'd love to me doing more work in schools as a teaching artist to share my love of music with children.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love sharing my passion for music with others, especially children. Children seem to understand music in an inherent way that gets lost somewhere along the journey to adulthood, and I love seeing the craft that I love so much through the eyes of those much younger than myself. I also love playing board games, making up new games, and running around outside with children.