Shirley R.
American Academy of Dramatic Arts,
Associate's Degree in Drama09/11-06/13
St.John's University,
Bachelor's Degree in Film and Television09/13-06/15
Professional Childcare Experience
Mother's helper
Queens, NY, 09/13 - Present
Twins, age 6, and One girl, age 4
NYC, NY, 06/18 - 04/19
One boy, 3 years old
Travel Nanny
Berlin, Germany, 08/17 - 12/17
One boy, age 5 and One girl, age 8
Full-Time Nanny
New York, NY, 08/14 - 07/16
One girl, age 2 weeks, and Two boys, age 2 and 3
Other Experience
NYC nanny, with long-term and part-time positions
NYC, New York, 08/12 - Present
Travel Nanny
Berlin, Germany, 08/17 - 12/17
German Tutor and Part-Time Sitter
Madrid, Spain, 01/17 - 06/17
Library Assistant
New York, NY, 09/11 - 04/13
About me
I'm originally from Germany, am bilingual and have been living in the United States since 2008. I Ever since I can remember, I loved being around babies and children of all ages, which led me to my first babysitting jobs when I was 16 years old. From that time on, I knew that taking care of kids is a natural talent of mine, and my ability to listen, be patient, solve problems, be nurturing, compassionate and caring made me a good fit for the needs of children.
In 2010 I moved from Missouri, where I had spent the previous 2 years , to NYC to pursue my degree in acting, film and television. I graduated in 2015, but had been working as a nanny since 2013, which allowed me to further my studies and gain valueable work experience with children. Since then, I've worked for many different families, short-and long-term, and also traveled overseas with some of the families. I had full-time positions in a high-volume environment with multiple children, but also part-time positions with only one child at a time or babysitting engagements that mainly focused on a consistent bedtime-routine.
Due to my European roots, I have a very typical European attitude towards childcare, which is a combination of fun and giving children time to explore and discover things on their own terms, but also setting boundaries and sticking to them. I'm known to be very caring, but also firm if the situation calls for it. In addition, I'm always punctual (again, very German!), organized, and prepared for the week's or day's activities.
I'm a mom myself, and in addition work as a freelance writer from home. I traveled and volunteered abroad extensively over the past few years, focusing on working with physically and mentally disabled children. My main expertise lies with children between their newborn and toddler stages. The youngest child I cared for was 2 weeks old and I stayed with the family for 2 years. For toddlers, my acting training comes in handy, since the skill to create different characters and to use my surroundings to let my imagination run wild, is something kids enjoy tremendously and I always try to incorporate that in our awesome play-time!
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Volunteering with children who are in need of mentoring, as well as working with disabled children, for which resourcres are still way too scarce. I also hope to have finished my MFA by then, which I'll pursue in 2020. Possibly owning my own dare care center or creating a space at my own home to care for children from all backgrounds.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Any activity to use their minds and imagination (creating stories and playing them out, dance parties, puzzles, hide and seek, color games for the younger ones..) ! However, the skills I think are most important and that I always stress in my work with children are empathy and compassion towards others. I find this to be of utmost importance, in addition to being kind and polite to others, to always say please and thank you, and to be honest and never lie.