Courtney P.
Borough of Manhattan Community College,
A.A. In Liberal Arts09/14-06/17
Professional Childcare Experience
Assistant Teacher
Long Island City, NY, 01/18 - 03/18
Fifteen children, ages 2-3
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 03/17 - 05/17
One boy, age 6
Part-Time Nanny
New York, NY, 05/12 - 07/16
One boy, age 11, and One girl, age 7
Other Experience
New York, NY, 09/11 - 01/18
About me
Nearly half of my life has involved working with children. The first time I babysat for someone (helping out a family friend with her nephew), and he only wanted me to read him a story for bed, I knew I had a way with kids. Throughout my years growing up in South Carolina, I babysat for many families. I also worked as a teachers assistant for an acting class for kids.
Once I moved to New York, I toyed with the idea of being an actress, before realizing working with kids was my true calling. However, my background in theater and music has definitely helped in my work with children, as they really respond to the creativity and energy I have learned from it. I’ve even done volunteer work in the city teaching theater and improv games to second graders.
I've worked with several families in the city, one of which I was with for 4 years. I also currently work in a preschool part time and have worked with children at an indoor playground/school-teaching music and sports classes.
I have a few philosophies when it comes to childcare. One is to address every child as a person, get down on their level, as opposed to talking down to them. Children are much more receptive when they feel their feelings are being respected and taken into consideration. Another philosophy is that while I believe in giving boundaries and limits, to never say no just to say no.
In life, I feel if you find something that you not only enjoy, but also are skilled in, it’s your passion and calling. That’s how I feel about childcare, and I aim to provide the best care for any child I look after.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Finishing a masters in drama therapy.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Imagination and make believe play is one of my specialties-this is where the background in theater comes in handy! Once with a family, the children were playing “airplane”, and we had a ball setting up the front room to look it like seats on the plane, making tickets, getting ready for take off, etc. They especially loved my interpretation of the friendly flight attendant-I was asked to repeat that performance quite a bit! Board games are another great activity! I come from a family that loves their board/card games, so it’s very fun to teach children new ones, and to play their favorites sothey can teach me! I loved introducing one family to the game Yahtzee, a game I’ve played my whole life, and loved being introduced to the Disney Princess Cupcake game! Music is a big part of my life as well, and I love teaching and passing that on to the children I care for. A lot of times after school with one family, I would put a playlist on from my phone while the older one did homework and the younger child and I played a game. It was so rewarding to see them enjoy, learn, and ask questions about different kinds of music and songs. Both kids are big Beatles fans now! Also, listening to music led to some pretty awesome spontaneous dance parties!