Jordan M.
NYU Tisch,
BFA in TheatreMinor in Writing
London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts,
Masters in Classical Theatre
Professional Childcare Experience
Brooklyn, NY, 09/18 - Present
1 boy, 9, 1 girl, 13
Brooklyn, NY, 10/19 - Present
1 boy, 13 months
Full Time Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 09/18 - 12/19
1 Girl, 3.5
Part-Time Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 08/18 - 12/18
1 girl, 3
Full Time Nanny
Los Angeles, California, 08/15 - 08/16
1 boy, infant
Full Time Nanny
Los Angeles, CA, 08/12 - 08/16
1 Boy, from 2-6 years old
Los Angeles, CA, 10/12 - 08/16
1 boy, Infant
New York City, NY, 08/10 - 06/11
2 boys ages 3 and 2, 1 girl, infant
New York City, NY, 07/09 - 08/10
1 boy, 14
Other Experience
Personal Assistant
New York, New York, 09/19 - Present
Acting Coach
NYC, NY, 10/17 - Present
Writer - Various Podcasts
New York City, NY, 05/18 - 01/20
Education Artist, Shakespeare and Company
Lenox, MA, 12/18 - 09/19
Summer Dance Instructor
Branson, MO, 05/08 - 08/09
About me
I have been working with children for over ten years. I started teaching dance and demonstrating at the dance company I trained with in Nashville when I was fourteen years old. After that, I became a dance instructor during summer break from college, working with inner city youth teaching hip-hop, contemporary, and praise dance. While I was completing my undergraduate degree at NYU I babysat for various families throughout the city, taking care of as many as three children. I would often travel to the Hamptons for long weekend stays with the families, and then eventually I started work as a full time nanny for a 14-year-old boy on the Upper East Side.
After graduating from NYU, I moved to Los Angeles to continue pursuing a career in performance, both acting and writing. I worked full time for a family my entire time there helping with their 2-year-old son. He is now 7 years old, and although I moved back to NY we still talk weekly. He's the greatest kid ever. I left that position to attend graduate school in London, working on my Masters in Classical Theatre. I received my degree in October.
To me, there is something incredibly unique and cool about having to opportunity to spend your day helping a child become who they are going to be. When you work with kids, you have the enormous responsibility of fostering a creative, safe, learning environment which oftentimes is equal parts exhausting and amazing. Watching a child use a fork for the first time (it's hard), develop their own sense of humor (hilarious), or go potty by themselves (gross but thrilling cause now you don't have to change diapers) is absolutely the most rewarding thing in the world.
I write often, and get a little thrill from completing puzzles. I have driven across the U.S four times; lived in Nashville, New York, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and London. I average reading a book a week; and have a three year plan to own a dog. I talk to my parents every day, and want to be like them when I grow up. My proudest role yet, is aunt to my 3-year-old nephew.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
JK Rowling. Well, not JK Rowling, but my own version. A self-starting, successful creative woman providing jobs for other dreamers who refuse to give up and accept less than their worth.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Dance parties all day long. I love baking, because it's a great activity that both provides teaching moments (following directions, clean up, sharing) and also a reward (eating delicious cookies). Swimming is always a crowd pleaser. I have an inordinate amount of experience teaching basketball considering I never played sports growing up...but I love a good game of horse.