Lauren M.
Shenandoah Conservatory,
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre09/08-06/12
Professional Childcare Experience
Occasional Babysitter
New York, NY, 09/15 - Present
Two girls, ages 3 and 7
Teaching Artist- After School Programs/Studio
New York, NY, 06/14 - Present
Twenty children, ages 3-13
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 10/14 - 06/17
One boy, age 5 and One girl, age 10
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 09/15 - 09/16
One Boy, age 3. One girl, age 18 months
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 11/14 - 11/15
One girl, age 11
Camp Counselor
Somerville, NJ, 07/06 - 08/06
20 Girls, ages 7-11
Other Experience
Teaching Artist- Four Corners Creative
New York, NY, 05/14 - Present
Teaching Artist- Broadway Connection Teacher
All over the US/Canada, All over the US/Canada, 09/16 - 06/16
Camp Director
NY, NY, 07/15 - 08/15
About me
I grew up as the middle child between two rambunctious boys in Hamilton, New Jersey. I mostly danced, but also played softball competitively, as sports were huge in my family. I started babysitting at the age of 16, mostly with neighbors and family friends. I then became a Girls Scouts camp counselor during my summers, where I had the pleasure of working with children of all ages.
Since my Jersey days, I have moved to the city and have had the opportunity to continue to babysit children ages ranging from 18 months to 12 years. I have also had the opportunity to teach after-school theatre/fitness/ dance classes, direct summer camps, and create after-school curriculums for children ranging from preK- 8th grade.
I am extremely passionate about helping parents find their child’s unique, confident self. I am organized and forward thinking, but can also deal with the curve balls that each day can throw. As a theatre teacher and child are professional, I have always thought that communication, respect and trust are the key to making each day with a child, a success!
I also believe that having FUN is a top priority. Whether we are doing mathematics, playing Legos, or creating heart-shaped macaroni and cheese for dinner, each activity should be approached the same way, with fun!
One of my favorite games to play with children ages 2-10 is called Wax Museum. Each child will pick a theme to our "museum" and then strike any sort of pose that relates to that museum. I will walk around the room and as soon as my back is turned, they need to move into another pose without me seeing them. Whether it is a museum of super heroes or a museum of underwater unicorns, this this game encourages children to expand their imaginations as well as helping them become more confident making decisions. It also helps children become more comfotable in their skin.
I love to cook wholesome, nutritious meals and have personal experience with diet specifications as well as allergy restrictions. I am able to take care of all meal preparations, change diapers, after-school pick-up to after-school activities, bath-time and bed time.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Performing full-time but also still teaching children.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Dance, Arts and Crafts, Theatre, Singing, Fitness, and Softball.