Anna W.
Stanford University,
B.A. Creative Writing09/09-05/13
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 06/17 - 09/17
Infant, age 15 months
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 12/16 - 01/17
Girl, age 11
Part-Time Babysitter
Honolulu, NY, 04/16 - 09/16
Girl, age 6
Part-Time Babysitter
Honolulu, NY, 04/16 - 09/16
Two boys, ages 2 and 5
Other Experience
Tutor (EBL)
New York, NY, 03/17 - 09/17
New York, NY, 03/17 - 09/17
Yoga Instructor
New York, NY, 06/14 - 08/14
Private Tutor
Honolulu, HI, 09/13 - 03/14
ESL Teacher
Palo Alto, CA, 01/11 - 06/13
Writing Assistant
Mountain View, CA, 08/12 - 01/13
About me
I grew up in Manoa Valley, a rainy little pocket on the island of Oahu. At 18, I moved to California’s Bay Area to attend Stanford University. I began my studies in Electrical Engineering and after much youthful soul-searching, and a quarter abroad, I finished in Creative Writing. Stanford is where I met my best friend, with whom I am still roommates, as well as where I first stepped foot on stage.
After graduation, I moved to New York City to study acting, and there remained. I am still studying the craft, adding to it both singing and dancing. I support myself by tutoring, babysitting, and cater-watering. Being able to live in the city of my dreams, pursuing everyday that which I am passionate for, surrounded by a community of incredible, loving, friends and artists, is beyond what I could have imagined.
My favorite babysitting memories are always the simple ones. Going to the park and playing soccer with my 2-year old boy (or my best attempt at it!), watching movies together, baking holiday cookies with my 10-year old girl, singing, dancing, playing make-believe with my and most of all laughing! As a long-time tutor, many of my favorite memories are also tied to seeing my students surpass even their own expectations for themselves. Over time, whether working with grade-school students, or adults, that same sense of growing confidence and self-belief appears and never fails to melt my heart.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
On Broadway!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Music, dance, arts and crafts (painting, drawing, knitting, various new projects :)), reading, going to the park, playing outside, make-believe, putting on plays, cooking/baking, tutoring... the sky's the limit!