Margaret M.
Ball State University,
B.F.A. in Acting09/13-05/17
Professional Childcare Experience
Summer Nanny
Farmington Hills, MI, 06/17 - 08/17
Two boys, ages 11 and 14
Part-Time Babysitter
Muncie, IN, 08/14 - 05/17
One boy, age 2 and One girl, age 6
Part-Time Babysitter
Muncie, IN, 08/14 - 05/17
Two girls, ages 8 and 10
Part-Time Babysitter
Muncie, IN, 05/16 - 05/17
One boy, age 4 and One girl, age 10
Summer Nanny
Rochester Hills, MI, 06/14 - 08/14
One boy, age 5
Part-Time Babysitter
Clarkston, MI, 05/08 - 08/10
Two boys, ages 6 and 8
Other Experience
Keego Harbor, MI, 05/17 - 08/17
Ball State Cardinal Caller
Muncie, IN, 04/16 - 05/17
Theatre Office Assistant
Muncie, IN, 05/16 - 08/16
Management Intern at Steep Theatre Chicago
Chicago, IL, 05/15 - 08/15
Waterford, MI, 08/12 - 01/13
About me
When I was 12 years old, I began my journey in childcare. A family that I had met through church asked if I would be interested in babysitting for their two young boys. I was so thrilled and honored to be trusted to take care of their sons! From then on, I have consistently worked for different families of varying childcare needs.
I have worked with children ranging from newborns to teenagers, with varying levels of responsibilities. I have done everything from changing diapers, to driving to tennis practices, to spending the day in the water park or baking cupcakes. I am consistently amazed and delighted by the sweet, funny and kind children I get to take care of. My favorite thing about working with kids is getting to watch their unique personalities shine through and develop as I get to know them.
After my freshman year of college, I nannied for a 5 year old boy 5 days a week in the summer. He was very active and we spent most of our days outdoors—at the park, water park, or biking around the neighborhood.
After that summer, I began to babysit for several families throughout my time in college. I worked with several school aged children, from 6-10. I also worked for a family who welcomed a new baby a year into my relationship with them, so I became very comfortable with newborn care. I was in charge of feeding, changing, bathing, burping and putting him to bed. Finally, this past summer, I worked with two older boys, who were 11 and 14. With them, I was more in charge of making sure they made it to their scheduled activities on time.
I have spent a lot of my time working with children within an artistic capacity. I have worked on many youth theatre productions and workshops, where I would teach children about different areas of the theatre. I also worked as a backstage childcare specialist for several productions at our community theatre with children ages 5 through 14.
The most important thing to me when taking care of children is making the environment fun, safe and comfortable for everyone (including mom and dad!). I like to do hands on activities that make the kids use their minds without them even realizing it! I want your child to be excited to tell you about the time we spent together when you get home.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
combining my growing career with my passion for childcare!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to share my love of the theatre and arts! I love to dance, sing, and put on shows with kids. I also love to play different card and board games. I also love to go to the park or pool!