Kelsea B.
University of Connecticut,
Bachelor of Fine Arts09/08-05/12
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
Manhattan, Upper East Side, NY, 02/17 - Present
One boy, age 6
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, Cobble Hill, NY, 03/17 - Present
One girl age 4, and One boy, age 2
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, Cobble Hill, NY, 03/15 - Present
Two boys, ages 2 and 4
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn Heights, NY, 01/13 - Present
Three boys, ages 9, 5, and 2
Part-Time Babysitter
Manhattan, Upper West Side, NY, 04/13 - 08/13
One boy, age 6
Other Experience
Promotional Model
New York, NY, 12/13 - 08/17
New York, NY, 12/13 - 05/15
Event Coordinator at Vanda High Events
New York, NY, 10/13 - 10/13
, CT, 06/12 - 08/12
About me
Hi there, I'm Kelsea! I'm so grateful to live in a city that allows me to meet & learn from so many different children! With over ten years of experience with all different ages, childcare has been my bread and butter, and without a doubt, some of my most rewarding work.
I consider myself a pretty easy-going, optimistic person. I'm a strong advocate for free play, games, reading, building & being silly in a safe and supportive environment. With years of experience with multiple families, including four years of babysitting children in New York City, I've grown very adaptive to each family's parenting practices & each child's specific needs.
Most of my childcare experience comes from two families in Brooklyn that I have known for many years. My duties with these families have included collecting and accompanying children to and from different after school activities, playdate chaperoning, homework helping, and light house work like laundry, dishes, and tidying. I also enjoy the fun "duties" like playing games, arts & craft-ing, reading and puzzles! Whether through bottle-feeding or tackling third grade school projects, I have watched these children grow and learn in their new world. Seeing them turn big cornerstones, become older siblings, and become wonderful little people has stolen my heart. I’m constantly inspired by their awe and wonder at the new things they discover- and that to me, never gets old.
One of my favorite activities with children is reading with them. One of the now-two year olds I babysit for is an absolute bookworm. Even in his early stages of speaking, he insisted on reading the same books again and again. Not too long after that, he was reciting "Little Blue Truck," "Sheep in a Jeep," & "Gruffalo" to me! I'm so thrilled to be part of his introduction to not only language, but the magic of story-telling.
While with your child (or children!), my goal is to keep them happy and safe while implementing your rules. I'm a firm believer in encouraging manners and gratuity, and always, always encouraging fun.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
healthy, wiser, living without roommates, and proud of the last five years!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
reading, building, baking, sing-a-longs, hop scotch, drawing, sidewalk chalk drawing, board games, and I especially love puzzles! I'm also a forever fan of encouraging empathy, sharing and manners.