Ana L.
New York University,
B.F.A. in Theatre09/12 - 05/16
Professional Childcare Experience
Date Night Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 06/16 - Present
Two girls, ages 5 and 11
Periodic Daytime Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 06/16 - Present
One girl, age 12 and One boy, age 5
Full-Time Nanny/Periodic Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 05/17 - Present
Three boys, ages 5, 2, and 2 months
After-School Babysitter
Brooklyn, , 08/17 - 06/18
Two boys, ages 4 and 11
Full-Time Summer Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 06/16 - 09/16
Twin girls, age 5, and One boy, age 7
Full-Time Summer Nanny
Brooklyn, NY, 06/15 - 09/15
Twin boys, age 6 and One girl age 4
Other Experience
New York City, NY, 06/16 - 07/17
About me
Ever since I was four years old and my baby brother was born, I've had a love and passion for taking care of children. I used to spend hours singing to him and making him laugh. It never felt like a chore but more like something that made me feel like, even though I was small, I could be helpful and make a difference. Now as an adult who has yet to have her own children, I'm lucky enough to get to spend time caring for kids who have brought warmth and joy to my life.
Other than looking after my little brother, my childcare experience started with babysitting for family friends when I was as young as 14. I babysat the daughter of a family friend from the time she was an infant until I left for college (when she was 7 and her younger sister was 3.) Around that same time, I was teaching a class of eight preschoolers every Saturday at a Croatian School in Chicago. We learned our Croatian ABCs, numbers, and colors and sang plenty of nursery rhymes.
I moved to New York City in 2012 to study musical theatre at NYU and after moving out of the dorms junior year, I needed a summer job. A friend of mine set me up with a family in Carroll Gardens and there began our "Summer of Fun!" I spent four to five days a week with three awesome Brooklyn kids (ages 4-6). We explored all over town, going to the beach, the pool, libraries, museums, and parks. The following summer we got to do it all over again! During my Summers of Fun, I met a handful of other parents from the neighborhood and began sitting for them for date nights and days off of school (ages ranged from 3-12).
Towards the end of Summer 2017, I helped out a dad who suddenly lost his wife due to complications after childbirth. He needed an emergency fill-in nanny before his full time nanny was ready to start. I spent three days a week with his three boys, (5 years old, 2 years old, and 2 months old) taking the older two to and from daycare and school and taking care of the baby. I also helped make sure the freezer was always stocked with donated breast milk and helped coordinate dinners that were being donated to the family each evening.
Most recently, I spent a school year with a wonderful, energetic, and creative preschooler and his brilliant and studious 11 year old brother in Park Slope. Our year was full of fun, taking the two from one after school adventure to another (gymnastics, dance class, creative writing, and piano!) I often cooked for the kids, helping to expand their palettes and keeping them fueled and ready to take on the world. We grew quite attached throughout the year and our teary-eyed "see ya later" at the start of summer was a moment I'll likely carry in my heart for a long, long time.
My background in theatre has given me the chance to really embrace being a kid again and I can spend hours on end reading to kids in silly voices or singing songs together. I love to engage kids of all ages in activities that let them embrace their creativity and joy, making them feel heard and celebrated for being exactly who they are. From infants to pre-teens, I approach childcare with an open ear and an open heart. I believe in treating children as if their experiences and emotions are valid even though they are not fully realized adults yet. The world is a big and confusing place and I always try to do my best to help kids navigate it, whether that’s teaching them that 2+2=4 or helping them create art that expresses their feelings.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
a singing cartoon character, on a Broadway marquee, or the kind of TV role model I needed as a kid.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
music, singing, dance, theatre games, cooking and various crafts (knitting, sewing, origami, etc.)