Jaime S.
Pace University,
BFA in Acting
Professional Childcare Experience
After-school Babysitter
New York, NY, 06/21 - Present
8, 11, and 14
Part-time Babysitter
New York, NY, 06/22 - Present
3, 5, 7, and 10
Part-time Babysitter
Los Angeles, CA, 06/18 - 06/20
7 and 11
Other Experience
After-school Day Care and Summer Camp
Montville, NJ, 06/09 - 06/12
About me
I worked after school in high school at a daycare/summer camp where I worked with kids ages 3-12. I absolutely loved playing with them and helping them develop skills. In college and since then, I've babysat for kids in numerous ages, and my duties usually included after school/camp pick up, taking to activities, making sure snacks and such were taken care of, cooking dinner (I love to cook and like to cook healthy!) and then get ready for bed. In the free time, I have with the kids I love helping develop their creativity with art and music. I'm an actor, so I love using my imagination and working together to create. I'm also a singer/musician and think music can do wonders for the soul and spirit. I also love to get the kids involved with cooking dinner and baking fun and healthy treats! I like having the kids help (in a safe way) because making your meal makes you more proud and I like getting kids to try new foods! I'm a very responsible, energetic, fun person. I am proactive and always think ahead. People describe me as lively and put together.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Happy :)
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
using their imagination to play, drawing and arts and crafts, cooking, music.