Anna W.
Bard College,
B.A. Dance, Minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies09/13 - 06/17
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School and Occasional Babysitter
New York, New York, 06/15 - Present
One boy, age 4
Mentor for 13 year old girl
New York, New York, 06/18 - Present
After-School Babysitter
New York, New York, 06/17 - Present
One girl, age 8
Part-Time Babysitter
UES Manhattan, , 09/17 - Present
2.5 and 17 months
After-School Babysitter
UWS, , 08/17 - Present
After-School and Weekend Babysitter
Hudson, NY, 06/16 - 08/17
One boy, age 7
Part-Time Babysitter
Tivoli, NY, 10/16 - 08/17
Infant- 16 months
After-School Babysitter
Tivoli, NY, 01/17 - 04/17
Two boys, ages 6 and 9
Occassional Babysitter
Los Angeles, CA, 06/14 - 06/15
One boy, age 2
Arts Summer Camp Counselor
Los Angeles, CA, 06/13 - 08/13
Fifteen children, age 6
Other Experience
Sales Associate at Magic and Co.
Brooklyn, NY, 06/17 - Present
Dancer for Choreographer Sarah Michelson
New York, New York, 07/17 - Present
Dancer and Choreographer at the Whitney Museum
New York, New York, 01/18 - 06/18
Arts Administration
Durham, NC, 06/15 - 08/16
Arts Administration Richard B. Fisher Center
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, 08/15 - 08/16
Tivoli, NY, 06/15 - 06/16
About me
I am a dancer, writer, and choreographer. My 15 years of ballet and modern training have given me a deep appreciation for creative pursuits and allow me to engage children with imagination and curiosity. I am currently a professional freelancer dancer and choreographer. I am an artist, and my identity as a maker and a thinker is something that is really important for me to share with kids.
I really love working with children. Spending time with kids brings me joy, and I find it rewarding to facilitate the emotional growth of children and respond to their unique needs. I really value each child as an individual, and it is of the utmost importance to me that every child feel nurtured, engaged, and respected as a whole person.
While I bring my own experience and strategies on how to best care for a child, I also find it really valuable to have clear conversations with parents with regards to their value systems and parenting strategies. Over the course of the past five years that I have worked as a babysitter, I have created caring and safe environments for children, and have learned so much from families about a multitude of childcare techniques. I am a patient and nurturing sitter who can provide a structured environment that allows kids to feel supported and safe, while having fun and learning.
In my senior year of college, I was fortunate enough to babysit for a baby since her birth had the pleasure of watching and helping her grow into a young toddler. This was a very formative experience for me, and I will always carry what I learned from her forward with me in the world .In addition to caring for the baby, I am regularly babysitting an 8 year old year old girl for a family in Brooklyn. We dance together, I coordinate and facilitate playdates, cook, clean and put her to bed. I also do occasional babysitting for a family in Brooklyn with a 6 year old boy. I feel confident navigating New York City with children.
I care deeply for the children and families with whom I work. It is important to me that I am a source of support and stability for kids, and that I am someone that they can deeply trust.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Presenting my choreography in New York and have some of my writing published. I am looking to one day return to school to get a Masters in Teaching.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I am a physical person and love to play outside and teach the kids some dance! I have found that both boys and girls can get really interested in learning how to do ballet when I teach them. I like to write plays with kids, and have gotten a few into making small musical theater shows at home. I also really enjoy doing puzzles, boardgames, and doing arts and crafts. Creativity and having fun are a must.