Juliana F.
Boston College,
B.A. in Theatre09/08 - 05/12
Professional Childcare Experience
Before-School and After-School Babysitter
New York, NY, 09/14 - Present
One boy, age 6 1/2, Two girls, ages 4, and 2
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 09/15 - 11/16
One boy, age 1
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 10/13 - 11/15
One girl, 1 1/2 years old
Full-Time Nanny
New York, NY, 09/12 - 09/14
One boy, age 3 months
Camp Counselor/Group Leader
Sommerville, MA, 06/11 - 08/12
12-24 children, ages 7 and 8
Camp Leader
East Greenwich, RI, 06/10 - 07/11
Twenty-five children, ages 3-21
Other Experience
Camp Counselor
Sommerville, MA, 06/11 - 08/12
Life Is Good Employee (Retail)
Newport, RI, 06/12 - 08/12
ASTEP Afterschool Volunteer
Boston, MA, 09/09 - 05/12
Boston, MA, 09/09 - 05/12
About me
Growing up with a minister for a mother, I found myself thrust into the world of childcare at the young age of 9. I began changing diapers and entertaining babies in the daycare of our church, and haven't looked back since. Now, 17 years later, I still find working with kids as fascinating, rewarding, and enjoyable as I did then!
I've been fortunate enough to have worked with kids of all ages (starting as young as three weeks, and stretching as old as 21 years), in all different capacities. As a Theatre teacher, a musical performer, a camp counselor, an after school volunteer, a babysitter, and a full time nanny. My active imagination, huge sense of humor, artistic personality, and extreme devotion to the task at hand are just a few of the assets that make me an engaging, enthusiastic, trustworthy caregiver. I am well versed in dietary restrictions (and/or allergies) and am excellent at providing alternative healthy snacks and meals at a moment's notice. I am a singer, actress, musician, and I currently cat sit on the weekends, and volunteer with a local cat rescue on the Upper East Side.
I believe that every child and adult should move through the world in a thoughtful, loving, generous way. I welcome questions of every kind and never answer a question of "why" with "because I said so." I believe it's incredibly important for children to truly understand why they are being asked or expected to do something. I love engaging in scintillating dialogues with children and bringing out each kid's unique sense of humor. I learn as much from kids as they learn from me and I try to bring love and care into every interaction with them. Safety is my number one priority. Laughter is my number two. Developing different strategies and ways of interacting that work for each individual child to help them feel nurtured and understood is my number three.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
The head of an all-female production company that produces films written, directed, and starring up and coming artists of all ages, genders, ethnicities, sexualities, and religious backgrounds.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Singing, dancing, arts and crafts, writing, reading, imaginative play (make believe), story telling, goofy voices (dialect work), problem solving, trips to Barnes & Noble, outdoor adventures, board games, chalk, acting, baking, cooking, jewelry making, etc.