Chelsea H.
SUNY New Paltz,
B.A. in English
Queens College,
M.A.T. Elementary and Special Education (1-6)
Professional Childcare Experience
Brooklyn, NY, 06/16 - 05/17
One girl, from 2-20 months
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 05/16 - 05/17
Twin girls, age 12-20 months
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 05/16 - 09/16
One girl, age 13 months
Part-Time Babysitter
Brooklyn, NY, 03/15 - 08/16
One boy, age 2
Other Experience
New York, NY, 05/17 - Present
About me
My name is Chelsea and I am so excited to be your sitter! After a young-adolescence of babysitting my neighbor's triplet girls (for free!) I knew that I had a knack for keeping kiddos occupied, happy and safe. When I made the move from upstate New York to Brooklyn, I began babysitting a co-worker's toddler and once word spread I began spending time with many of my neighborhood's babies and toddlers - from 2 months to 2 years.
It has been an absolute joy realizing my passion for working with children. My love of reading, music, arts and crafts, and the outdoors has made working with young children my ideal job!
While working with babies and toddlers, I value a sense of structure - but will always adapt to the family's usual routine! I pride myself on my seemingly unending patience and silly attempts to reason with 2-year-olds. When people ask me for advice regarding working with children, as I complete my graduate degree in education, the words I live by are "stop being afraid of being silly."
I eat a gluten free diet and am well versed in dietary restrictions. I have practiced baby sign language for over 2 years and believe it is a magnificent way to bridge communication gaps in late infancy and toddler-hood. Overall, I look forward to having fun, being creative and staying safe!
I have professional child care experience with...
- Infants
- Toddlers
- Twins
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Employed as a full time Special Education teacher.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Simple signs to communicate their needs, a LOVE of reading and a love and respect for animals and nature.