Vivianna I.
Fordham University,
B.A in Anthropology
Professional Childcare Experience
After-School Babysitter
Jersey City, NJ, 09/11 - 12/15
Girl age 11-15
New York, NY, 08/13 - 05/15
Boy and Girl ages 6 and 9
New York, NY, 05/14 - 05/15
Boy age 7
Date Night Babysitter
New York, NY, 11/14 - 05/15
Girl age 3
Swim Instructor
New York, NY, 01/12 - 09/14
Children ages 3-21
Other Experience
After School Babysitter
Jersey City, NJ, 09/11 - 11/15
Nanny (multiple families)
New York, NY, 08/13 - 05/15
Swim Instructor
New York, NY, 04/12 - 08/14
Clinical Social Worker
Bronx, NY, 02/12 - 12/12
Intelligence Analyst, USAF
World Wide, ITALY & SC, 01/06 - 01/12
Swim Instructor
Various locations, , 06/07 - 08/11
About me
I was born in Arizona and grew up traveling the world. My childhood was spent in Hawaii, East Africa and California.. I was mostly home schooled from 2nd grade till the 10th grade and have always had a love for reading. I grew up living a very outdoors and active lifestyle, running around with no shoes on and planting new plants in my personal garden. Having grown up with such a culturally rich environment, Anthropology and History have always been interests of mine. In addition, I have always loved to swim and spent most of my childhood in the Indian ocean snorkeling and scuba diving. I play multiple musical instruments and sang in a Jazz band for a year before I left to the military.
I joined the Air Force when I was 17 and was stationed in Italy and South Carolina where I served as an Intelligence Analyst for 6 years. By the time my enlistment was up, I had traveled to most countries in Europe and spent a ton of time coaching the middle and high school swimming teams of the school I lived by.
Although I plan to get a masters in Museum Administration, I love going on archaeology digs around the world. I recently went on a dig in Bulgaria where I was part of an excavation team at the Apollo Pontica digging into the Archaic Greek, Hellenistic and Early Byzantine periods.
As a nanny I love to work children and share with them the love I have for cultural studies and outdoor activities. Integrating my creative side into any job that I do is important to me. I believe that creativity helps children learn to solve problems and be better citizens of our world.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
In 5 years, I would love to have my Masters in Museum Administration with a concentration in Children's Museums. My dream is to open up a children's museum thats geared toward cultural studies.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
I love to share my musical knowledge with children. Whether it be dancing to their favorite tunes or teaching them to read and play classical piano. In addition, I love to read fantasy fiction novels and love to read exciting imaginative books with children i work with. In the past, I've shared my love for the Chronicles of Narnia and Rick Riordan's Children's Novels based on Greek, Roman and Viking mythology.