Elizabeth R.
Westminster Choir College,
B.M. In Vocal Performance
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-Time Babysitter
New York, NY, 09/16 - Present
Girl, infant
After-School Babysitter (Part- Time)
New York, NY, 04/17 - Present
Girl, Age 7
Part-Time Babysitter
Princeton, NJ, 09/14 - 05/16
Boy age 11-13, Girl age 13-15, Girl age 14-16
Part-Time Babysitter
Cold Spring, NY, 06/13 - 07/14
Boy age 3-4, Girl age 5-6
Assistant Director- Summer Children's Theatre Camp
Garrison, NY, 06/09 - 06/12
Boys and Girls, Ages 8- 13
Other Experience
Music Together Teacher
New York City, , 07/17 - Present
Personal Assistant
New York, NY, 09/16 - 01/17
Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity- President
Princeton, NJ, 05/15 - 05/16
About me
My name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Liz. I come from a small town named Garrison which is in the Hudson Valley and an hour north of New York City. I went to college in Princeton, NJ at Westminster Choir College and graduated last May with a degree in Vocal Performance. I have grown up being involved in music, theatre and dance. I always worked in child care when I was not working on my craft throughout my time in high school and college.
My favorite thing about the arts is how it changes peoples lives on the inside, and I love working with children so much. Children are so smart and have such wonderful imaginations that adults don't seem to always have! I learn from them every single time I babysit. I try to bring my passions into my work with the kids as I believe music and all forms of art help kids grow emotionally and intelligently. I also have a brother who is extremely athletic so I am used to playing outside and being active as I know so many kids would love to be doing as well. Kids need to be having fun just as much as they learn!
I have been working in childcare since I was about 14 years old where I started occasionally babysitting and gradually did more part time work when I wasn't in classes. I have worked with every single age group extensively, including infants. I currently don't have a car in the city, but I have experience driving children around after school to their activities and home. I also have experience staying overnight with kids if their parents are on a business trip.
I live in Manhattan where I am auditioning to be an actor and singer. I am constantly practicing in my apartment or going to dance classes to keep myself in shape for auditions.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Performing and working full time as a musician and actor either in New York, another major city or on tour around the country. I hope to be in a stable situation financially where I can support myself and a save up money to support my future family. If I am not performing I will hopefully be going to grad school in either music education or music therapy!
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Music! Since I have a college education from a conservatory in singing, I love to incorporate music in my time with the kids. I think music is crucial to helping children grow! I also love dancing with them to music and putting on plays if they enjoy that!