Chelsea S.
Cornerstone University,
B.A. in The Art of Ministry
Professional Childcare Experience
Part-time Babysitter
Grand Rapids, MI, 02/14 - 08/15
Two boys, ages 1 and 3
Full-time Nanny
Malaga, Spain, 01/15 - 02/15
Twin boys, ages 9 months and a 2-year-old girl
Part-time Babysitter
Grand Rapids, MI, 08/13 - 01/15
Girls and boys, ages 2, 9, and13
Area Director & Camp Counselor
Seymour, IN, 05/08 - 08/10
Boys and girls, ages 9-12
Full-time Babysitter
Frankenmuth, MI, 06/03 - 08/03
One boy, 10 months
Other Experience
Director of Youth Ministry
Grand Rapids, MI, 08/12 - 06/15
English 099: Basic Writing Instructor
Grand Rapids, MI, 09/11 - 12/14
Writing Tutor
Grand Rapids, MI, 12/07 - 05/12
Program & Content Intern
Grand Rapids, MI, 07/11 - 05/12
TA for Creativity, Innovation & Problem Solving
Grand Rapids, MI, 09/11 - 12/11
Admissions Assistant
Grand Rapids, MI, 09/09 - 05/10
About me
Hi, I'm Chelsea! I'm a creative writer, aspiring minimalist, and lover of all things outdoors! I've just recently moved to New York City, after traveling through 8 different countries for the past 1.5 years. I love to travel and experience the world through different cultures. One of my experiences abroad led me to nanny for 9-month-old twins in Malaga, Spain!
I am 10 minutes younger than my twin brother, and am originally from Frankenmuth, MI. I grew up playing basketball, running around outside, and trying every new activity my parents put in front of me: Girl Scouts, ballet, tennis, horseback riding, karate, piano, and performance.
I'm currently getting ready to head back to school to pursue my MFA in Creative Nonfiction and am looking for meaningful part-time work (i.e. the perfect nanny job!) to compliment my studies. I'm hoping to embrace both of my gifts of creativity and compassion as I embark on a new chapter in life.
I have professional child care experience with...
School-aged (K-5)
Special Needs
In 5 years, I hope to be...
Teaching English and Writing at a University.
Activities & skills I love to teach & share with children...
Everything! Every moment is an opportunity for learning and engagement. Every event is an opportunity for narration, conversation, questions, and discussion! I continually encourage kids to follow their creative interests and keep growing in a variety of experiences! Beyond this, I enjoy teaching children how to tell (and listen to!) stories and the importance of the narrative. This may surface through writing, painting, or play-doh! I love to teach children about creating, coloring, crafting, and combining things to compose new structures, innovate, and explore!